RWCLM municipal manager under precautionary suspension

It is official! The Executive Mayor, Brenda Mahuma has placed the Municipal Manager under precautionary suspension.

Themba Goba, the Municipal Manager of the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) has been placed under precautionary suspension with immediate effect.

A letter that the Executive Mayor, Brenda Mahuma had written to Goba was made available to the Herald on Thursday, 20 May. It read, “You are hereby given notice of your precautionary suspension on the following terms:

“Your suspension is effective from the time of receipt of this notice;

“You may not enter the municipal premises during the course of your suspension;

“You are required to hand over your work laptop, iPad, cellphone, keys and any other assets of the municipality in your possession, and you are to refrain from making contact and/ or communication with any of the municipal employees, unless you have received permission from the Chief of Staff in the Office of the Executive Mayor,” the letter read.

In the same letter, the Mayor explained to Goba that after correspondence between their legal representatives, he was afforded an opportunity – pending the investigations – to substantiate through written presentations why the municipality should not suspend him.

The Mayor further explained that Council had seen fit to suspend Goba for the following reasons: He is the most senior employee at the municipality; his position has power; and allegations made against him are very serious.

“The Council has a reasonable apprehension that your continued presence at work will interfere with and jeopardize the investigation.”

In the same letter, the Mayor said, “The interference of the investigations include but are not limited to the following:

“Employees of the municipality not being able to freely engage with the investigations process without fear of victimisation and unfettered access to municipality records without referral to you as the most senior employee,” the letter concluded.

The Herald will approach Goba for comment today and update readers when it becomes available.

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