
Home invaders meet their (elderly) match

A post on the Sector 4 Facebook page explained what had happened in Monument on Saturday, 24 April.

The bravery of a neighbour ensured a girl’s safety recently, while the swift reaction of the police, EPR security and the Sector 4 Community Policing Forum (CPF) ensured that one suspect was arrested and a stolen vehicle recovered.

A post on the Sector 4 Facebook page explained what had happened in Monument on Saturday, 24 April. The vehicle that had been reported stolen in Randfontein a week before was allegedly also used in other break-ins around Krugersdorp.

Housebreaking implements, fake number plates and stolen items were recovered inside the vehicle, as well as a cellphone the suspects used.”

According to the post, at about 1.30pm on Saturday, two intruders entered a premises by bending open the rail of the main gate. They allegedly drove into the property and then broke into the home through a sliding door.

“At the time of the incident the owner’s daughter was at home alone. She was on the phone with her father when the whole ordeal started.”

She managed to tell him about the two intruders before they grabbed her. Her father then phoned their elderly neighbour who rushed next door and confronted the two thugs.

He beat them and the vehicle with a knobkerrie before they retaliated with a crowbar.

The elderly gentleman was beaten severely and sustained several lacerations to his head and leg.”

By then the girl’s father had arrived home and stopped in the driveway, blocking the suspects’ vehicle from leaving. His other daughter remained in their vehicle. One of the attackers ran into the veld while the father chased the other one through the yard.

One of thugs managed to slip past the father and jumped into the latter’s vehicle where his other daughter was still waiting. His attempt to steal the vehicle and abduct the girl was unsuccessful so he ran away.

Housebreaking implements, fake number plates and stolen items were found inside the car.

At that point EPR Security, the police and the Sector 4 patrollers arrived on scene, mere minutes after being contacted. They reportedly chased after the intruders into the veld and through Monument.

The police and reaction officer Kevin Kotze fired several shots, and the suspect eventually was apprehended at Key West and brought back to the property to be identified.”

After being positively identified the suspect was arrested and the police’s forensic team allegedly arrived to take fingerprints from the vehicle and the stolen items. The neighbour was taken to hospital where he received medical treatment and was discharged the same day.

“We want to extend our gratitude to the neighbour, Oom Willie, for his selfless bravery and for putting his own life at risk in an effort to save the girl’s life. It is absolutely amazing how he managed to fend off the attackers and ensure that the girl was not harmed in any way,” read the post.

We salute you, Oom Willie and we are proud of everything you did for your neighbour. Thank you to Sierra Gerhard Smit, reaction officer Kevin Kotze, reaction officer Pieter Smuts from EPR and the police for the awesome response time and for apprehending the suspect. Well done to all involved. It makes us proud to serve a community with such awesome people in.”

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