Celebrating Pregnancy Awareness Week with Life Robinson

Are you expecting a baby? Make sure you know what's right for both of you.

It is important to go for check-ups on a regular basis during pregnancy, so that both the mother and child are in good health.

According to Dr Lawrence Phofa, obstetrician and gynaecologist at Life Robinson Private Hospital, intervals between visits for check-ups during pregnancy depend on the risk profiling given to the pregnancy based on foetal (baby) and maternal (mother) well-being.

“Low-risk pregnancies have scheduled check-ups with intervals of four to six weeks in the first and second trimester, and then four weekly in the third trimester, while high-risk pregnancies have visits for check-ups with intervals of two to four weeks in the first and second trimester, and then two-weekly scheduled check-ups in the third trimester,” Dr Phofa said.

It is important for every pregnant woman to visit a health facility and be assessed thoroughly to identify any problems early to make pregnancy and child birth safe.

Check-ups help to ensure that both the mother and the baby are well. Photo submitted.

The expectant mother is interviewed, examined and tests are conducted (if necessary) to detect medical and other conditions or problems arising during pregnancy, and to monitor the baby’s well-being and growth.

“The appropriate treatment and advice are given to the mother based on the individual concerns identified,” the doctor added.

Melanie van Staden, marketing and communications coordinator at Life Robinson Hospital said Pregnancy Awareness Week takes place annually in February and forms part of the Department of Health’s health-awareness calendar.

As per the Department of Health, the aim of Pregnancy Awareness Week is to strengthen pregnancy education and stress important issues that promote healthy pregnancy and safe motherhood by providing pregnant women, their partners and the community with information in this regard,” Melanie said.

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