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Resident writes book to inspire the youth

Phyllis Malope Mondlane shares with us her book of integrity for youth

Phyllis Malope Mondlane, who recently completed her book said she wanted to change and shape young minds for the better.

Her new book titled Deserted Citizens in West; A Beacon Of Hope was inspired by what she saw when she moved to Zuurbekom in 1997, the 66-year-old explained.

She said at the time she was heartbroken to see the youth in the area illiterate and unskilled – without any ambition to develop themselves beyond earning a living in agriculture.

I felt like the place was lifeless; and completely deserted. Although it’s in the plots, I found it to be too remote. So I wanted to give the youth here something to develop themselves,” she said.

In 2001 Phyills co-founded an NGO named Philani – aiming at developing the youth in the area.

She said the book details her hardships when the organisation was established, and her personal growth. It also is filled with words of advice to encourage young people never to give up.

Most importantly, Phyllis said the book details the proper steps to take when starting an NGO – a guide that will help people run an NGO with integrity; not as a means to enrich themselves.

“This is so that we can create a culture of accountability. If you are truly passionate about the community and helping to develop others, you will make sure that you go through proper channels to implement an accountable organisation,” Phyliss said.

She added it is saddening that while many people need projects, others poach their concepts and take credit for everything in the process.

There is really a lot that I aim to achieve with this book. I want it to create a national conversation so that every person from every corner of South Africa can benefit from the book, not only those on the West Rand, or Gauteng, but almost everyone,” Phyllis said.

The book will be launched on 5 December at Tswangwaba Lodge in Zuurbekom.

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