VIDEO: GBV organisation pickets over assault allegations involving municipal official

Organisation that fights against gender-based violence and femicide demonstrates support for the two victims who allegedly were assaulted by a high-ranking municipal official.

The Arebueng Community Support group picketed outside the ANC’s regional office on Tuesday, 6 October to demand disciplinary action against the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) official who has been accused of assaulting two women in Mohlakeng on Sunday, 27 September.

According to Thabang Mpotoane, coordinator of the protest and project manager of Arebueng, as an organisation that fights against gender-based violence and femicide, they have decided to demonstrate their support for the two victims.

ALSO READ: High-ranking municipal official faces charges of assault

The accused happens to be a high-ranking municipal official, so we are here to drive the message that this issue of gender-based violence will not be swept under the carpet simply because it was perpetrated by someone who is deemed to be powerful,” Mpotoane said.

When they found that the ANC’s office was closed, Mpotoane said this showed disrespect towards movements and campaigns against gender-based violence, especially since President Cyril Ramaphosa had spoken extensively about the issue, describing it as a pandemic South Africa is grappling with.

She went on to say it was unfortunate that they could not hand over a memorandum in which they demanded that the ANC strengthened its policies on gender-based violence.

Thabang Mpotoane said gender-based violence should be condemned and perpetrators punished. Photo: Tumi Riba.

“We know that these policies exist, but we are not seeing any action being taken. We also want them to implement education programmes for all political representative so that this scourge comes to an end,” Mpotoane said.

Meanwhile Sergeant Carmen Hendricks, Randfontein Police spokesperson said the accused has not been arrested and has not appeared in the Randfontein Magistrates’ Court.

The DA has since called for the official to be suspended immediately.

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