Family and workers held at gunpoint on W’aria farm

Police are searching for nine robbers following an attack on a farm in Westonaria.

A large group of intruders held a family and their workers at gunpoint on a farm in Westonaria on Friday, 2 October.

Warrant Officer Peter Masooa, West Rand District and stand-in Bekkersdal Police spokesperson said they were called to a scene where nine robbers had stolen firearms and laptops at about 10.30am.

“A worker heard a car hooter from where he was working and went to check who it was. A silver vehicle with five occupants was outside and one of the occupants told the worker to call the owner.

They pointed a firearm at the female farm owner and everyone was taken into the house and made to sit with their heads bent,” said Masooa.

Four others then joined the five intruders. All of them searched the house and took firearms and laptops.

According to Masooa, the robbers fled the scene without any shots being fired or anyone being injured.

The police are following some leads and are requesting anyone with information to contact them on 011 278 5321 or phone 08600 10111.

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