Recent fire sparks concern – Traffic chief warns

Road users are advised to make a U-turn and call emergency services to avoid further danger.

A recent fire in Greenhills has sparked concern among residents and even the local traffic department.

Road users who come across fires causing heavy smoke are advised to rather make a U-turn immediately and call emergency services to avoid further danger.

Being on a smoke-filled road can be very dangerous for any road user. Photo: Tumi Riba.

Kenny Mampondo, the Rand West City Traffic Department chief said attempting to get through smoke-filled roads may lead to serious accidents and may cause road users to suffer from smoke inhalation.

He added that drivers stand the risk of losing control of their vehicles as they may drive into oncoming cars and ditches, or hit objects as the smoke obscures their view.

Mampodo’s advice came after a fire near Greenhills Avenue on Sunday 20 September caused frustration among drivers on both lanes.

Being on a smoke-filled road can be very dangerous for any road user, whether it is a motorist, a cyclist or a pedestrian. People should rather stop, make a U-turn and call emergency services to prevent the situation from getting worse,” Mampodo said.

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