Intensive animal farming is the ‘single most risky human behaviour’ for pandemics – new report

Report draws support from inside the United Nations Environment Programme.


There is a fundamental and often-overlooked connection between pandemics such as the current Covid-19 crisis and our animal-based food system, said a major new report published recently.

The Food & Pandemics Report, produced by ProVeg International – a global food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing conventional animal-based products with plant-based and cultivated alternatives – identified the eating and farming of animals as the single most risky human behaviour in relation to pandemics and calls for urgent changes to the global food system in order to prevent future outbreaks.

The report has drawn support from inside the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Dr Musonda Mumba, Chief of the Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit of the UNEP said, “The ProVeg report clearly demonstrates the connection between industrial animal production and the increased risk of pandemics. Never before have so many opportunities existed for pathogens to jump from wild and domestic animals to people.”

The report finds that our dietary choices and the global food system are the key drivers of zoonoses (diseases such as Covid-19, which are transmitted from non-human animals to humans) in three clear and mutually reinforcing ways:

1. Through the destruction of animals’ natural habitats and loss of biodiversity, driven largely by animal agriculture.
2. Through the use of wild animals as food.
3. Through the use of farmed animals as food in intensified animal agriculture. About 75 percent of all emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic in nature.

Zoonotic diseases, which include SARS, MERS, Ebola, rabies, and certain forms of influenza, are responsible for an estimated 2,5 billion cases of illness and 2,7 million deaths worldwide, every year. Although the origins of such outbreaks tend to be associated with wild animals, as is assumed with Covid-19, pathogens also jump from wild animals to farmed animals before being transmitted to humans – as was the case with recent pandemic threats such as avian flu and swine flu.

Donovan Will, Director of ProVeg South Africa, the local chapter of ProVeg International, explained, “We don’t yet know the full story about the emergence of Covid-19, but there is no uncertainty regarding swine flu and avian flu: those viruses evolved on factory farms, where conditions are perfect for the evolution and transmission of viruses, as well as for the development of antimicrobial resistance. Factory farms are perfect breeding grounds for future pandemics.

“There are so many reasons to move away from intensively farming animals – to tackle the climate crisis, to protect the environment, to combat antibiotic resistance, to protect our health, and for the welfare of animals. But mitigating the risk of the next pandemic, which could have an even more devastating impact than Covid-19, is perhaps the most persuasive reason of all.”

The report has also been welcomed by local NGOs that work with wildlife and farmed animals.

Tony Gerrans, Executive Director of the Humane Society International – Africa, stated, “HSI-Africa welcomes the release of ProVeg’s Food & Pandemics report. It is a valuable addition to the growing body of knowledge linking the circumstances of wild and farmed animals used for food to the risk of zoonotic disease. It is clear that keeping animals used for food in overcrowded confined production facilities constitutes a potential risk factor in the development of zoonotic pathogens. HSI-Africa supports ProVeg’s call for a review of both our industrialised, intensive animal production food system, and the growing use of free-ranging or farmed wild animal species for food.”

The Food & Pandemics Report follows a number of reports with similar findings published in recent weeks by WWF, the University of Cambridge, and the UN Environment Programme. There is a growing consensus among NGOs, academic institutions, and the scientific community that the global food system needs to change if we are to prevent future pandemics.

The full report can be downloaded here.

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