AfriForum vs RWCLM in court: Matter postponed

It contaminated nearby dams and caused livestock to die.

Members of AfriForum said they have been battling for more than 10 years to get the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) in court for the pollution of which Randfontein Waste Water Treatment Works was the source.

According to Matium van Vuuren, chairperson of AfriForum’s Randfontein branch, the matter was revisited in 2016 after sewage had spilled from the Treatment Works again. It contaminated nearby dams and caused livestock to die.

“At the time we asked the municipality to bring the situation under control, but they did not care and nothing was done,” Van Vuuren said.

He said that all along, not one municipality representative showed up. “The other sad part about this is that the Municipal Manager at the time chose to resign after hearing about the case. But they should still come back and face the music,” Van Vuuren said.

He said it was yet another disappointment to the group that the matter was postponed, as those who should be held accountable believe themselves to be above the law. “Now they want us to drop the case because they say the sewerage plant has been refurbished. But what about the damage the pollution had caused? If the National Department Water and Sanitation does not order them to take action, they do not do anything.” He said this happens when officials are paid salaries and bonuses but fail to do their jobs.

“These guys are getting performance bonuses for doing what? Honestly, they don’t give a damn,” Van Vuuren added.

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