
School burglaries a concern

'Electronic devices as well as other items such as school furniture, school fence and doors are targeted'

Police say all efforts are being made to deal with the scourge of school burglaries within the Bekkersdal policing precinct.

Most recently, on 12 June, two men in their 30s were arrested in connection with these burglaries.

According to Sergeant Linkie Lefakane, Bekkersdal Police spokesperson, because burglaries at schools are increasing, the approach to policing these crimes has to be reviewed and the various techniques to curb them need to be utilised.

“Members are working around the clock to identify suspects and collect sufficient evidence to indict these suspects and bring them before court.

Electronic devices including laptops and smart boards, as well as other items such as school furniture, school fencing and doors are stolen by those who do not have the education of the learners at heart.”

Colonel Phumelele Matamela, the new Bekkersdal Police station commander added, “We, the police, are therefore making a clarion call to the entire public to refrain from creating markets for stolen goods. Buying and storing stolen property constitute a crime punishable by law.

Report stolen property by calling 08600 10111 or send an anonymous SMS to 32211 or on the my SAPS app that can be downloaded on any smartphone.

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