
I’m paying for someone else’s electricity!

Residents says he has no choice but to pay the wrong account in fear of his electricity being cut off.

The Barkhuizen family in Dwarskloof has paid R2 000 on an electricity account that is not even in their name.

Simon Barkhuizen, 69, a property owner, said the problem started when he replaced his geyser.

“I was told my power meter was too old and was advised to replace it with a newer model. Ever since they replaced it, we have been having problems. They put in a digital one, but now my account number does not correspond with our power meter,” Barkhuizen said.

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He added that although he could work out how much was due, he said he had no choice but to pay the wrong account in fear of his electricity being cut off.

Barkhuizen said he is also unable to get hold of Eskom.

“I am obligated to pay for a meter that is not even on my property. I have been to their (Eskom) offices already with all these documents, but so far nothing has come of it. What is even more confusing is that they have given me a reference number. They have also said I should come back so that they could give me a new reference number, but their offices have been closed,” Barkhuizen said

“How do I get them to rectify this problem? It does not help that their offices are now closed, also the help line given on the documents go unanswered. You can phone the number day and night, but no one answers,” Barkhuizen lamented.

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