
Area near bird sanctuary now a dumping site

Councillor admits dumping near bird sanctuary is a recurring issue.

Residents are concerned about the dumping issue near the Randfontein Bird Sanctuary.

“Something has to be done before the place is ruined,” said resident Jacques Labuschagne.

Jacques said since moving into a house near the sanctuary in 2018, he has seen people dumping refuse there several times. This behaviour is now increasing – without anything being done to stop it.

Residents said the dumping issue is not only unpleasant, but a regular occurrence. Photo submitted.

Labuschagne also claimed that in the last two years, he has failed to get the municipality to help clean up the area.

“I have decried this many times, and have taken a lot of pictures as proof of what is happening, to no avail. This has really been a problem because the refuse is clearly destroying the sanctuary. Those of us who live near it also have to bear the brunt,” he said.

Building rubble has also been dumped. Photo: Submitted.

Ward 7 councillor, Craig Harrison, agreed that unfortunately this is a recurring issue, despite warnings.

“We have pleaded with the residents to stop dumping refuse in the area because it is a conservation area, but people continue to dump anyway,” Craig said.

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