
‘Our roads have been riddled with potholes for years’

A Community Watch group in Toekies is fed up with the municipality and has resorted to fixing potholes themselves.

Members of the Mannekrag Community Watch in Toekomsrus are the latest group to take matters into their own hands and fill up potholes.

The group said seeing that their pleas were not answered, they decided to act as the roads in Toekomsrus were deteriorating and something needed to be done.

“Our roads have been riddled with potholes for years,” said Trevor Jacobs, a member of the Mannekrag Community Watch.

“We have decided to close every pothole in Toekomsrus, but to be able to do it, we are pleading with the public to donate materials, especially cement.”

Trevor explained that the initiative was prompted by numerous complaints from residents about the decaying roads.

“We have notified the municipality about this issue but nothing came of it. As members of this community, we were concerned about those with cars incurring costs because of the damage these potholes cause them, therefore we intervened,” Trevor said.

Following the recent heavy rains, every street has at least one large pothole, making it difficult for motorists.

“We can even call them manholes because that is how huge they are. Every street is problematic. If you drive or walk around, you will see why we decided to act,” Trevor added.

Some of the streets they already fixed include Main Road at the clinic, Diamant and Gold Streets.

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