
Residents angered by municipal issues

The state of the roads as well as other municipal issues have angered residents of Kocksoord.

Residents of Kocksoord said they are frustrated by the state of the roads as well as other municipal issues.

Some say this has been going on for the past two years.

Residents say a leaking water meter has remained unfixed for two years. Photo: Tumi Riba.

According to Pule Ngonelo, a resident, their problems with the potholes and clogged sewage drainage systems have been reported to the municipality to no avail.

“They have given me a number of some manager, but the phone always goes unanswered. No one even has the courtesy to call back. What must we do?” Ngonelo said.

Potholes in many parts of Kocksoord. Photo submitted.

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