Municipality stops bursary programme

Municipality to halt its bursary programme due its current financial constraints.

The Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) said it would no longer be able to fund its bursary programme due its current financial constraints.

Tshidiso Thlaripe, RWCLM spokesperson confirmed, “The municipality is aware of the challenges that this decision puts on the beneficiaries, but it will be inconsiderate of the municipality to commit itself to a debt it has no means to fulfil”.

He added for the past 14 years or so, the RWCLM has been offering bursaries to academically and financially deserving community members. The target audience has always been those who completed Grade 12 exceptionally well and are financially needy.

“Over that period the municipality has offered bursaries that cater for tuition and prescribed books to over 1 700 students. Over 990 students have graduated through the bursary. Due to the pressing financial commitments the municipality is faced with, we have no option but to halt the budget for the provision of the Mayoral Bursary Scheme.”

He said parents of the beneficiaries are advised to make alternative arrangements for the 2020 academic year.

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