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Three pubs reach out to foster homes

Three Randfontein businesses have made a major donation to two foster homes.

Eight children from two foster homes received a major clothes and groceries donation thanks to three businesses.

According to the coordinator of the project, Joey Sadler of Oribi Pub and Restaurant, they and Quarter Mile Sports Bar and Boulevard Pub and Grill were involved in the project.

She said their efforts started when the Rugby World Cup commenced in September.

Food packs, clothes and toys were donated for children in foster care. Photo: Tumi Riba.

“We realised there was a need in these homes to assist children.”

She added when the project was started, they contacted the Randfontein Children’s Court to find out what they could do to help these needy households.

Joey who said the initiative was part of their festive season outreach, added, “Along the way, we had a Bingo tournament to raise funds and hosted an auction day. A big thank you goes to the customers and clients who came out to support this initiative,” Joey added.

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