
#Municipal Monday: What’s that hideous smell in Helikon Park?

VIDEO: Two families in Helikon Park say they are directly affected by sewage as a result of a blocked drain. Their neighbours also complain about the stench.

Residents of Helikon Park are frustrated and overwhelmed by the stench of sewage emanating from a blocked drain for over a month.

Besides the hideous smell, residents fear they might pick up a bacterial infection. Two families claim to be directly affected by the sewage which has been piling up in their yards for six weeks while others in the neighborhood complain of the awful stench.

Speaking to the Herald about their daily struggle, Johan Aspeling and Benjamin Mills, who are also neighbours, said they have made joint efforts to try to get the issue sorted out with the municipality, but so far they have not been successful.

“They once came here on a Saturday, but unfortunately, we were not here. They left us a note to say they were at the gate. The problem is that they communicate so poorly that you never know when they are going to show up, ” Mills said.

The sewerage spillage has had other residents complaining of the smell.

He said although at this stage the issue affects him and his neighbours most, other in the neighbourhood have complained of the the smell several times.

The two neighbours said the worst is the fact that they cannot hire a private plumber to deal with the issue – it can only be fixed by the municipality, because it is the main sewer line that is blocked.

“It is more than just the blockage here, it is the entire system, but it only shows here, and can only be handled by the municipality,” Mills added.

The backyard of the Mills property is flooded with sewerage due to a blocked drain.

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