Get to know a ‘Teiner’ #134– Godfrey Seitlhamo

The 134th person in the Herald’s Get to know a Randfonteiner project introduces himself.

Meet our ‘Teiner’ of the week, 63-year-old Godfrey Seitlhamo, a man of God who believes achieving peace is what South Africa needs.

Although Godfrey was born in Soweto, and now lives in Krugersdorp, for almost 20 years he has dedicated his life to the Randfontein District Health Department as the coordinator for the infrastructure for clinics in the area.

“I am a simple man who wants to see nothing but peace prevail in the entire world. One of my greatest wishes is to see the eradication of crime and see everyone living in peace and harmony,” Godfrey said.

He said if he had all the powers, he would make sure that there is employment creation so that people can put food on the table for their families. Another aim would be to defeat poverty, and ultimately reduce crime.

“I believe if we can stop discriminating against each other, and simply embrace one another, the world would be a much better place,” Godfrey added.

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