Do you understand what’s on your vehicle service invoice?

The Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA) on understanding your service invoice.

After taking your vehicle for a service, have you ever looked at the invoice and wondered what all the line items are?

Dewald Ranft, Chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA), a proud association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), said it’s important to understand what you are paying for.

He explained that certain items used when servicing a vehicle fall within a general consumables charge.

“Items that would typically fall within this category are bought in bulk and used during the repair process. They include rags, grease, cable ties, silicone sprays etc. The reason these are grouped into one charge is because to name each individual item would be impractical and invoices would be several pages long,” he said.

Dewald pointed out that other items such as filters, brake pads, wiper blades, oil etc must be specified as separate items on your bill. Photo: Pixabay. For illustrative purposes.

However, he pointed out that other items such as filters, brake pads, wiper blades, oil etc must be specified as separate items on your bill.

“These items do not fall within the general consumables charge and should be itemised so you can see exactly what you are being charged for. You should also see a line item specifying a labour rate and a charge for the repair work conducted.”

Dewald said it is within the vehicle owner’s right to query any item on the invoice that may be unclear.

“A reputable mechanic will be transparent and easily able to answer your questions. I highly recommend using a MIWA-accredited workshop, because if there are any discrepancies on the bill, you can raise the issue with MIWA and an investigation will follow. It’s good to have a fail-safe in place,” he advised.

He added that the invoice should correlate with the quote given ahead of the service, within reason.

“Obviously once a mechanic has been able to take a good look at the vehicle after the initial quote, there are sometimes additional things that need fixing. However, the mechanic needs to inform you, before doing the work, of any substantial charges that may be additional to the initial quote and authorisation needs to be given by the vehicle owner. Once again, if this is not the case, it is important that the vehicle owner reports the workshop to MIWA for investigation.”

With most people watching their expenses these days, Dewald believes it’s important to get educated on vehicle maintenance costs.

“Don’t be afraid to speak to your mechanic and ask questions about your vehicle maintenance and the most cost-effective way of keeping your vehicle in tip-top condition. Remember that regular maintenance will extend the life of your vehicle and save you money in the long run,” he concluded.

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