UPDATE: Municipal workers strike over

Strike by Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) employees is finally over, confirms spokesperson.

The strike by Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) employees is over.

According to Tshidiso Thlaripe, RWCLM spokesperson, after Brenda Mahuma, the Executive Mayor, met with the South Africa Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) and MMCs to address grievances of the employees, the strike was called off.

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“The meeting was to address issues related to concerns of SAMWU and where necessary, to make compromises. The intention of the meeting was also to ensure that workers’ needs are heard and that they go back to work and deliver services to the community,” Thlaripe said.

He added the meeting considered the issues listed below and resolved the following:

1. That the agreed resolution at the recent Special Local Labour Forum in respect of the disputed Categorisation issue continue, and the meeting should commenced on Monday, 2 September 2019;

2. In respect of the No Work No Pay principle, based on the fact that there were 7 days of no work, that 5 days shall be given to workers, whilst the remaining 2 days will be subtracted (non-monetary) from their annual leave;

3. In relation to disciplinary action to be taken against alleged identified employees, that the Executive Mayor will follow the matter up with the administrative leadership of the municipality;

4. That workers will return to work as of Saturday, 31 August 2019 and render services to our communities.

“The municipality will publicise the schedule which will address all service delivery backlogs on its website and other forms of mass media communication in order for ratepayers to be aware of the days on which their refuse will be collected.

“The Executive Mayor further extends her unreserved apology to the community of Rand West City for all the inconvenience caused by the strike. We will put more effort into the delivery of services in order to address all the backlogs observed during the employees’ strike,” Thlaripe added.

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