Spiritual healing brought to Toekomsrus

A seven-hour spiritual healing and deliverance service was held at Toekoemsrus High School recently.

The Enlightened Christian Gathering held a seven-hour spiritual healing and deliverance service at Toekoemsrus High School on Saturday, 10 August.

Eunice Mokone, who was coordinator of the service, said part of the session aimed at assisting the public to free the area of its socio-economic ills.

Marirtte Mouton receiving spiritual healing during the seven-hour service.

We are glad that people came out in numbers to hear the sermons delivered by our pastors.

“People were excited to learn that their spiritual well-being could be enhanced by the messages from the pastors,” Eunice added.

Christoffer van Meulen conducting the seven-hour healing and deliverance service.

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