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Randbib Business Carnival: Massive boost for small businesses

Daar is hoop vir klein besighede in Randfontein.

Small businesses and hungry entrepreneurs in Randfontein received a big boost at the first-ever Randbib Business Carnival held in Greenhills during the weekend.

From as early as 9am, the Randfontein Business Information Breakfast (Randbib) business service, gave business owners the opportunity to showcase their businesses and do some networking.

Natasha Willemse, ‘n voorsitter van die Rand-Wes Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) met Yster, ‘n Jack Russel.

Businesses showcased what they do, mingled with the community and potential customers, and got to know representatives from other businesses in the area.

This was a big step for Randbib, which also hosts a monthly breakfast get-together.

Marlize Kempenaar, Lisa Christian en Keanu Liebenberg van Vodacom in Randfontein.

According to Maricia du Bruyn of Randbib, “Our events not only provide the ideal platform for entrepreneurs and business-orientated people to learn more about improving their businesses but also create the opportunity to meet other businesses owners”.

Read next week’s edition for an exclusive interview with Maricia.

Thelma du Buisson van die Gemeentes van Christus-kerk in Randgate maak ‘n pannekoek.
Shamar, Sharon en Shaan Shuta wat die karnaval bygewoon het.
Andre du Plessis wie se gesig geverf word met Zandre Janse van Vuuren wat toekyk.
Andre du Plessis, Zandre Janse van Vuuren en Casandra Simpson van QuotCor wat sopas hul gesigde geverf het.
Dedre de Beer en Amanda Willemse van die Gemeentes van Christus-kerk in Randgate gooi kaneelsuiker op ‘n pannekoek.
Marlien van Deventer, ‘n buikdanseres in aksie.


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