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Warning signs of childhood violence – What to do?

Recent extreme incidents such as stabbings and murder have highlighted the issue of violent behaviour among children and adolescents. Here's what can be done to reduce the risk ...

Violence among children of school-going age is often preceded by certain warning signs in their behaviour, the Akeso Group said.

Akeso is a group of private in-patient psychiatric hospitals, and is part of the Netcare Group. They provide individual, integrated and family-oriented treatment in specialised in-patient treatment facilities, for a range of psychiatric, psychological and addictive conditions.

Dr Marshinee Naidoo, a specialist psychiatrist practicing at Akeso Alberton psychiatric hospital, said where adults are able to recognise and address these early indications in time, more serious incidents and tendencies towards violent behaviour in future can often be avoided.

Violence in the media such as movies, TV shows or computer games could potentially increase the risk of a child exhibiting violent behaviour. Photo: Pixabay. For illustrative purposes.

“Recent news reports following a few extreme incidents such as stabbings and murder, have highlighted the issue of violent behaviour among children and adolescents, however the majority of violence taking place in schools is in the form of bullying and psychological violence.”

Dr Naidoo said children as young as pre-schoolers can demonstrate violent behaviour. Parents and other adults who witness the behaviour may become concerned but often hope that the young child will ‘outgrow it’.

Early warning signs

Dr Naidoo said the following forms of behaviour may be early warning signs that a child could go on to develop violent tendencies:

• Excessive feelings of isolation and feeling alone

• Excessive feelings of rejection

• Feelings of being persecuted

• Low school interest and poor academic performance

• Expression of violence in writings and drawings

• Becoming easily frustrated

• Social withdrawal

• History of discipline problems

• Intolerance for differences, and prejudicial attitudes

• Extreme irritability

• Uncontrolled, intense anger

• Frequent loss of temper or ‘blow-ups’

• Extreme impulsiveness

Risk factors

According to Dr Naidoo, there are various factors that may increase the risk of a child developing violent tendencies.

“If a child is exposed to violence, they are more likely to become violent themselves. Children who experience or witness violence in their community, physical punishment or domestic violence and those who have been victims of physical or sexual abuse are more at risk of becoming violent themselves,” she explained.

Children who are being bullied or have become involved with gangs, drugs or alcohol, as well as those facing a combination of stressful family socioeconomic factors are at great risk. Photo: Pixabay. For illustrative purposes.

“Even violence in the media, such as movies, TV shows or computer games, could potentially increase the risk of a child exhibiting violent behaviour. There may also be genetic factors that could predispose a child to violence, and certain types of brain damage from head injuries may also play a role in the development of violent behaviour.”

Children who are being bullied or have become involved with gangs, drugs or alcohol, as well as those facing a combination of stressful family socioeconomic factors such as poverty, severe deprivation, marital breakup, single parenting, unemployment, or loss of support from extended family, may also be at greater risk.

Signs that danger may be imminent

Dr Naidoo warned, “Serious physical fighting with peers or family members, severe destruction of property, or the child displaying severe rage for seemingly minor reasons are signs that assistance is urgently required. Equally, threats of lethal violence, or a detailed plan to harm or kill others, particularly if the child has a history of aggression or has attempted to carry out threats in the past, should never be ignored.

“If it is discovered that a child has self-inflicted injuries, if they threaten suicide or indicate a preoccupation with suicide or violence, professional help is also needed as soon as possible.”

According to Dr Naidoo, both parents and educators have the responsibility to take action where these signs are noted.

Manifestations of violent behaviour

Violent behaviour in children and adolescents can include a wide range of behaviours, including:

• Physical aggression or fighting

• Explosive temper tantrums

• Bullying

• Setting fires

• Threats or attempts to hurt others

• Use of weapons

• Cruelty toward animals

• Intentional destruction of property and vandalism

Reducing the risk

“Violent behaviour can be prevented, or the probability of it manifesting can be reduced, if risk factors are minimised or, preferably, eliminated. Efforts should be directed at dramatically decreasing the exposure of children and adolescents to violence in the home, community and through the media, as clearly, violence leads to violence,” Dr Naidoo said.

“Whenever a parent or another adult is concerned, they should immediately arrange for a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified mental health professional, usually a psychiatrist or psychologist, as early identification and treatment can often help.”

Visit https://www.akeso.co.za, email them at info@akeso.co.za or contact Akeso on 011 301 0369 for assistance.

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