No cop shops for Zuurbekom or Simunye

The Bekkersdal community raised various issues relating to policing, road safety and crime.

There is no possibility of a police station being established in either Zuurbekom or Simunye; however, Bekkersdal Police will get more cops.

This was revealed by Major General Fred Kekana, the West Rand Police district commander and his management when they engaged with the community of Bekkersdal at the Simunye Multipurpose Hall on Wednesday, 17 July. Kenny Mampondo, chief of the Rand West City Traffic Department (RWCTD) was also in attendance.

According to Linkie Lefakane, the Bekkersdal Police spokesperson, the community raised various issues relating to policing, road safety and crime.

Speaking about the shortage of members and resources in Bekkersdal, Kekana said that more members will be allocated to the area. He confirmed that there is no possibility of a police station in Simunye or Zuurbekom. He also mentioned that the satellite police station in Zuurbekom will be closed down soon.

Mampondo raised a concern about the community damaging property and not adhering to the rules of the road. He also spoke about the road safety activities that are conducted by his office in partnership with the police on a daily basis, saying that they are committed to looking into traffic issues such as scholar patrols and scholar transport, both of which were raised by the community as concerns.

A councillor for the area Nontombi Jase, indicated that she was happy about the relationship the police have with the community, saying, “We are all committed to ensuring that we work hand in glove with the police in the fight against crime”.

She reiterated that police must assist the community and ensure they are treated fairly and equally.

Major General Fred Kekana, the West Rand Police district commander, took all concerns and recommendations into serious account. Photo submitted.

Kekana also emphasised the importance of the community reporting any criminal activity to the police.

Work with us in making sure that we eradicate crime from the roots as everything starts small and become uncontrollable at the end,” he said.

He further advised that he is available on a ‘ground level’ to work as the link between the police and community in making sure that crime is eventually eliminated from the West Rand.

Lefakane added that these engagements will continue to take place, in order to strengthen the relationship between the community and the police in the fight against crime.

The open door policy was also emphasised to the members of the community and to the management of Bekkersdal Police as a valuable tool in the elimination of crime.

“More engagements will continue in and around the district until the crime situation is turned around for the safety of all the citizens and its inhabitants. You can run but you can’t hide on the West Rand. Let’s work together and take a greater stand in our communities, so that our areas become crime-free.”

Kekana said he would take all the concerns raised and recommendations made into account in the future.

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