#Municipal Monday: Randgate house illegally hijacked?

Randgate residents speak out about a house in Sauer Street which they claim is being occupied illegally and has become a nest for criminal activities.

An allegedly repossessed house in Randgate, which residents say has been ‘hijacked’/ illegally occupied for four years, is a major cause of concern.

Concerned residents say the house, situated in Sauer Street, has been abandoned and is now in the hands of alleged criminals and drug users who are terrorising the community.

Residents said this house is being used to harbour drug users and criminals.

Speaking to the Herald on Monday, 1 July, Anna Golden, Johanna Biermann and Edward Tester said they and many others fear for their lives as gunshots have been heard several times.

“This house has been a problem for us for the last four years. The occupants have also turned the yard into a dumping site. They dig in people’s dustbins and just leave what’s left of the rubbish everywhere. It is worst for me, because I live right next to them,” said Biermann.

Another resident of the street, William Knight, said “We are fed up living like this, there are even children running around here and no one is doing anything about it.”

Residents say despite the CPF, the police and various political parties who have tried to intervene, the situation remains the same.

They also claimed that several efforts to get the municipality involved have failed.

The house is believed to be owned by a bank since its repossession.

“What is even worse is that we see new faces all the time – it is like people come and go, using this house as a hideout spot.

“We cannot even let our children play outside or send them to the shops. We also do not feel safe leaving our homes unattended,” added Golden.

Johanna Biermann said she fears for her safety as nothing has been done about the house next to hers.

Residents claim the yard is also used to strip allegedly stolen vehicles, but that the perpetrators manage to evade the police.

“We cannot live like, it has to stop!” Tester added.

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