
‘No farms at risk’ – Police

The Randfontein Police have released a statement saying that the community must not panic over farm attacks and safety on farms.

Sergeant Carmen Hendricks, the Randfontein Police spokesperson, said that Randfontein is not facing any farm attacks at the moment.

However, we want to ask the community to remain vigilant and to report any crime they might come across,” she said.

She added that the Police and the Community Policing Forum (CPF) are working together to make sure the areas around the farms and smallholdings are safer.

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“I recently had an interview with Gladys Lebepe, manager of Mphe Sereti Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Pelzvale, together with the sector manager, Captain Ben Beyleveld and Sergeant Wilson Molokomme. Gladys praised the CPF members for their great work in the community.”

CPF members are now escorting children from the centre to their homes because they used to get robbed of their food parcels while walking home. Hendricks said that this is only one example of how the police and CPF are working together.

Brigadier Jacob Manamela, the Randfontein station commander, said, “I want the community to know that my members are working day and night to keep them safe.”

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