Police focus on children’s rights

The Randfontein Police are focusing on children's rights during this year's Child Protection Week.

Child Protection Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of the rights of children. Randfontein Police are taking the opportunity to reach out to the community.

According to Sergeant Carmen Hendricks, Randfontein Police spokesperson, the police and other stakeholders, such as Rand West Public Safety, Victim Empowerment, Health Department, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, and Carryou Ministry, visited OR Tambo informal settlement on Tuesday, 28 May.

“We interacted with 50 community members. We addressed safety, health, children’s rights and child abuse. Furthermore, we created awareness on human trafficking, substance abuse, sexual offences and crimes in general,” she said.

They addressed adults, youth and children.

“Above all, a prayer in relation to a safe environment for all citizens was delivered. We distributed 300 informative pamphlets with safety tips and resource information, which was part of the campaign to educate the community,” she said.

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