‘Use social media responsibly in the fight against crime’

Security company on the use of social media in the fight against crime.

Social media has many benefits and provides a wealth of information to keep users in the loop on many topics, but there are many drawbacks that users are not aware of when sharing sensitive information, warned security company, Fidelity ADT.

“Neighbourhood watch groups (such as on WhatsApp) create a platform where pertinent information can be shared instantaneously. However, participants should ensure they only upload and share verified information,” said Charnel Hattingh, National Marketing and Communications Manager for Fidelity ADT.

“Knowing how to differentiate between a real news story (or post) and a counterfeit one, will help to stop the dissemination of fake stories or rumours. Use these sites and platforms responsibly to create a space where only reliable information is shared,” she continued.

According to Charnel, fake social media accounts thrive on posting sensationalised articles and feature stories which are laden with varying degrees of dishonest claims.

“It is crucial to be able to spot the difference between these types of viral posts,” she said.

She said another pitfall lies in posting or sharing images of alleged suspects which could have legal ramifications for those who make the posts. Charnel advised against this, to avoid impacting negatively on any ongoing court cases.

“Even if it is unintentional, it could tarnish the reputation of the ‘accused’ and his/ her family. In this instance, it is harmful when the suspects are found not to have had any involvement in the alleged criminal act,” she said.

She added in the spread of false information, the liability does not only sit with the source of the post but those tagged in it as well.

“The onus lies with the person implicated in any suspicious post. Individuals should ensure they aren’t associated with it (by untagging themselves),” recommended Charnel.

Tips for spotting fake news:

• Apart from questionable headlines and images, is the reporter’s name in the by-line?

• If you’ve found an author, check whether he/ she has written any other articles.

• Always check for multiple sources. Have you seen this story featured on other reputable news sites?

• Fake sites will often pose as a popular news site, using its name and link. This is achieved by substituting a letter in the name, which tricks audiences into mistakenly thinking it’s the well-known news organisation.

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