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Easter weekend: Don’t get more than you bargained for while shopping

Security company on safety over the long weekend.

As South Africans look to relax this long weekend, the likelihood is that shopping centres will be busier than usual and it is important that shoppers keep their wits – and their belongings – about them, advised security company ADT.

“Shoppers are cautioned to carry as little cash as possible in their handbag or pockets during the Easter weekend,” said Charnel Hattingh, National Marketing and communications Manager of Fidelity ADT.

Charnel suggested leaving any unnecessary bank or store cards and large amounts of cash at home.

“A packed clothing store or supermarket is the prime hunting-ground for a pick-pocket or bag-snatcher. Never leave your handbag, purse or wallet in a trolley. If you don’t use a bag or are not taking one along, keep your wallet or purse in the front pocket of your jacket or trousers.”

If you need to draw money at an ATM, it is best to use a machine in a busy area.

“Put your money in your purse or wallet before you walk away from the ATM. If you think someone has followed you from the machine, walk into the nearest shop or find a mall security guard.”

“The risks involved in carrying large amounts of cash are high. Criminals watch ATMs and look for an easy target. We’ve heard of incidences where domestic staff for example have been accosted and robbed just after being paid in cash or drawing cash from an ATM. In some of these cases, the individual’s entire month’s salary was stolen. Besides the cash being stolen, the safety of the staff member is also at risk. It’s just not worth it,” she said.

She added that your safety outside the mall is just as important as it is inside.

“It is vital that you keep your wits about you when walking from the exit to your vehicle, especially at night and even more so if you are alone. Before you exit the mall, have your key ready so that you don’t waste any time getting into your car. This also means that you’ll be able to hold tightly onto your handbag while walking. If someone does try to snatch your handbag, let it go. Do not resist or fight back.”

Charnel suggested further that if you use public transport, try to complete your shopping earlier rather than later. She added that it is a good idea to check the timetable ahead of your trip to the shops so that you don’t have to wait too long at a bus stop or train station.

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