
Teen girl, 15, drugged and raped

A man in his 20's has been arrested for allegedly drugging a teenager before raping her.

A 26-year-old man has been arrested after he allegedly drugged a 15-year-old girl before raping her in Mohlakeng.

Sergeant Carmen Hendricks, the Randfontein Police spokesperson, said the incident took place in Jacob Tshweu Street in Mohlakeng, at approximately 8.15am on Monday, 8 April.

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“It is said that the complainant left school with a friend and went to a known man’s home. Inside his room, he allegedly offered them marijuana, which the complainant refused to smoke. However, her friend smoked some. The complainant was offered a drink which she drank, but later she felt weak and fell asleep,” Hendricks said.

Hendricks added that when the 15-year-old victim woke up, she found that the man was naked and on top of her. She then realised that she was being raped.

“A rape case was opened at the Randfontein Police Station and the victim was taken to hospital for medical treatment. The suspect was arrested,” she added.

Brigadier Jacob Mashole Manamela, Randfontein’s station commander, is concerned about young girls who are skipping school, and requested parents to make sure of the whereabouts of their children at all times, for their own safety.

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