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She’s a poet, and she doesn’t know it

Khanyisile Mkhalipi, 15, wants to make a difference in society with her poetry.

If you are able to decipher Khanyisile Mkhalipi’s poetry, it is either because you can relate to her, or you are simply clever.

This is because when this 15-year-old from Greenhills writes, she does not follow the usual English grammar rules, and said only those who understand where she is coming from will get her message.

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‘I see poetry as life’

Hailing from a family that is gifted in various forms of art, Khanyisile said she uses poetry to voice many issues in society, especially issues affecting those who are vulnerable. 

“I started writing short stories based on current affairs when I was eight.  Later, I started writing poetry,” Khanyisile said.

She said she started writing because she has always felt that she could make a difference with her words.

“I saw this when I performed at various government functions, where I met numerous people who told me to keep going.”

She said although writing, including poetry, is big in Randfontein, she would like to provoke more interest among aspiring poets. 

Asked why she writes the way she does, Khanyisile said she felt that sticking to the many rules of English might cause her messages to be lost in translation and might not fully express what she intended to convey. 

“My poems are normally free-flowing and not limited by these rules,” she said. 

She said she considers her poems to be different as she often uses words that have various meanings, thus creating more depth for the narrative. 

Khanyisile said in all her works, she speaks to those who can relate to them, be they young or old. 

“Through my work, I speak to the people in the black community who were part of the struggle; people who have been through tough times, and do not have a voice, and I also address societal ills.” 

She said young people like her usually prefer to write about what is cool and trending, but she chooses to address the issues because they are part of her. 

“I am really not interested in what kids my age are generally interested in – I just want the reality,” Khanyisile added. 

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