Take a child to work day at the CCMA

Lukhanyo High from Mohlakeng was invited to the Tracker Tomorrow’s Man initiative by the CCMA.

The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) played its part in the Tracker Tomorrow’s Man initiative when they hosted about 17 Grade 10 to 12 boys of Lukhanyo High School from Mohlakeng in Randfontein recently.

According to Amos Tshabalala, media relations officer of the CCMA, “We are proud to join other corporates in participating in the inaugural Tracker Tomorrow’s Man initiative in a bid to empower boys to become ideal men, fathers and leaders of tomorrow that society can be proud of.

“The A Day for our Boys initiative germinated when it was realised that boy-children were deprived of the attention, recognition and acknowledgement that girl-children enjoy in the form of corporate support such as the Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work project.

The school boys were also informed about what careers are found within the CCMA. Photo submitted.

“Therefore, one of the reasons behind the conceptualisation of Tracker Tomorrow’s Man in 2009 is to level the playing field in so far as growth and advancement opportunities are concerned between boy-children and girl-children.

“Tracker Tomorrow Man is a corporate social responsibility project endorsed by the Department of Basic Education and calls on all corporates to play their part in helping to shape the boys to become responsible citizens and leaders we can all cherish.”

Commissioner Mandlenkosi Zwane ensured that the boys settle in before he welcomed and imparted knowledge to them about the Commission’s businesses and what careers are available within the CCMA.

The information stimulated an interest among the boys as they asked one question after the other. Nkosikhona Nkosi, Chief Information Officer, saw the session as important to adding value to the boys’ lives.

Nkosikhona emphasised the significance of education and said the boys should know that neither their family background nor the school they attend matter in the outcome of their future – determination, focus and hard-work are what they need to make it in life and break the cycle of poverty.

Nkosikhona shared his journey from his matric days to tertiary education and his career in information technology.

“You are tomorrow’s leaders and fathers; I expect you to have a conscious understanding that each action has its own consequences. Do not engage in school bullying, killing and disrespecting your educators.

“If you are in Grade 12, please ensure that you apply as early as possible [to tertiary institutions] and not apply late because you will end up in the wrong courses, which you will regret later,” concluded Nkosikhona.

The boys were then taken to different departments in the CCMA Head Office where mentors took over and explained to them the different careers and job functions, gave them career advice and told them about jobs that will be in demand in the labour market in future.

Joseph Mathebula, Human Resources Manager, thanked all the learners for having honoured the invitation to spent a day at the CCMA to learn and for pledging to become tomorrow’s man.

He also thanked the Deputy Principal and Basic Education District representatives who were present. He awarded certificates to the learners and wished them luck in their studies and future prospects.

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