Clean-up fever hits R’fontein – Palm Avenue Park is next!

Palm Avenue Park in Greenhills is the next target to be cleaned up by our Randfontein Pageants finalists on 27 April!

Randfontein Pageants challenged all 2019 finalists to take part in the #TrashtagChallenge, and they responded with great enthusiasm.

A few finalists cleaned up several areas in Randfontein on Saturday, 23 March, namely the cemetery, in Greenhills and near the Randfontein dumping site.

Marco Hoffmann, a Mr Randfontein Junior finalist, is happy to be part of the #TrashtagChallenge. Photo submitted.

Marco Hoffmann, Mr Randfontein Junior finalist, Ziroejanda Burger, Miss Randfontein finalist, Idean Lientjie Jacobs, Mev Randfontein finalist and Zelyna Putter, Miss Randfontein finalist were among the first finalists to join hands to clean up the town.

They are going to clean up and revamp Palm Avenue Park in Greenhills on 27 April from 8am. They are challenging other finalists to join them, as they need as many volunteers and as much paint as they can get to brighten up the play park.

For more information about the clean-up, call Marco’s mother, Amanda, on 076 723 0213.

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