Man stabbed to death in Bekkersdal street

Friends walking along street, one stabbed and killed in Bekkersdal.

A man was attacked and stabbed to death while walking home with a friend on Godlo Street in Bekkersdal on Tuesday, 2 April.

Sergeant Linkie Lefakane, the Bekkersdal Police spokesperson, said the two friends noticed that they were being followed and took a different route to Mosidi Avenue, but when they went back to Godlo Street, they noticed the same men who immediately attacked and stabbed one of them and fled the scene on foot.

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“The other man managed to escape unharmed and called for help, but unfortunately by the time an ambulance arrived, his friend had already succumbed to his injuries and was declared dead at the scene,” Lefakane added.

Lefakane said the investigation is continuing and urged the community to assist with information that could to the arrest of the suspects.

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