Power box a danger to the W’aria public

Huge safety concern as a result of a power box lying on the ground at the SPCA's Westonaria branch premises.

A power box that has been lying on the ground outside the premises of the Rand West SPCA’s Westonaria branch on Van der Bijl Street is of huge concern.

According to Nadia du Plessis, Rand West SPCA manager the box has been lying there for five months.

“The lives of many, especially the children, are at risk and I fear that someone might tamper with the power box. Calls have been made to the municipality to have it re-mounted out of reach of children, but were all in vain.

“Ever since I started working here, it has been lying there. When it rains the box becomes submerged in water, which is a very dangerous situation,” Du Plessis said.

Junior Cuna, who has been working at the SPCA since 1997, said it has been lying on the ground for almost 10 years.

“I have even gone to the municipality myself to get it lifted off the ground, but nothing came of it,” Cuna said. Du Plessis said she especially fears for the lives of the children who may tamper with it while playing in the area.

“It is almost winter and there are going to be wild fires. It is a very dangerous situation with the power cables being exposed in such a way,” Du Plessis added.

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