Get to know a ‘Teiner’ #105 — Junior Cuna

The 105th person in the Herald’s Get to know a Randfonteiner project introduces himself.

Meet our ‘Teiner’ of the week, Junior Cuna, 41, of Westonaria who said he is an animal lover at heart and no one can take it away from him.

Unlike most people, he said he would spend the rest of his life saving and nurturing animals, just to make sure they are well taken care of. Junior, who considers himself as a nice guy, said his SPCA job is priceless.

“This is because I truly love and care for animals, especially the dogs and cats,” Junior said.

He said while working for Rand West SPCA, the facility he joined in 1997, he became more and more compassionate towards animals, forming a good relationship with them and understanding them better.

“It is safe to say that my whole life revolves around the well-being of animals. Although I do spend time with my family and friends, my day can never go by without caressing a dog or cat,” Junior chuckled.

One of the things he finds fulfilling is to rescue animals that are at risk and make sure they are well taken care of.

“That is one of the things I get to do in my line of work. My job might not be important to many others, but I always feel fulfilled when I save an animal’s life,” Junior added.

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