Flashback: News that made headlines in 2018

The Herald takes a look at the good, bad and ugly of the year 2018.

As we say hello 2019 and goodbye 2018, let’s take one last look at the good, the bad and the ugly.


• Several Festive Season murders in Randfontein

While residents were partying the night away on New Year’s Eve 2017, Danel Rooskrans, 25, and mother of two, was being brutally beaten to death. She is also one of three people murdered during the festive period. Rooskrans’ funeral took place on Saturday, 6 January 2018. Family, friends and other members of the community gathered in the Toekomsrus Cemetery to pay their respects. Police confirmed that Rooskrans was beaten with a garden tool, allegedly by her boyfriend. The Herald was told by another source that the suspect is her ex-boyfriend. In another incident and tn the early hours of New Year’s Day in Bekkersdal, a 35-year-old man was arrested for allegedly stabbing and killing a 31-year-old man. The victim was taken to a clinic but died on his arrival. Also, a New Year’s Day party at a house in Mohlakeng turned into a violent argument during which a man, 36, allegedly was murdered. Police said at about 1am, a 36-year-old man and his 33-year-old girlfriend were at home. The couple were allegedly partying and became involved in an argument. The argument turned violent, resulting in the woman stabbing the man. Then one Friday night before Christmas, a woman stabbed and killed her lover’s ex following an argument. Police said the current girlfriend took a bread knife and stabbed the other woman in her chest once. She died on scene. In another incident, a young man has been charged with the murder of a 63-year-old man in Spooktown, Bekkersdal. Police said the victim was stabbed multiple times, causing the victim to die on scene.

A photo of the murdered Danel Rooskrans.

• Baba glo mishandel in staatshospitaal

Teen druktyd was die saak van verwaarlosing en mishandeling vir die Wiese-gesin steeds onopgelos. Benewens hul kommer dat hul atgmaande-oue baba, Luhann Wiese moontlik breinvliesontsteking kon hê, het hul baba se verblyf van skaars ‘n dag in ‘n staatshospitaal (Leratong Hospitaal) aan die Wes-Rand waar hy op 26 November 2017 opgeneem is, in ‘n groter nagmerrie ontaard. Toe sy ma hom vir die eerste keer sien nadat hy opgeneem is moes sy hoor dat hy bosluiskoors het. Volgens sy ma Rickey, was sy handjies ook met pleister toegedraai. Sy het hom uit die bedjie gehaal en die blou merke aan sy gesigge gesien. Sy het die suster geroep en begin vrae vra. ‘n Personeellid wat Luhann ontslaan het, het vir Rickey gesê dat die merke volgens hul kleur minstens twee tot drie dae oud was. Rickey het dit ontken en vertel dat Luhann die Sondagoggend voordat hy in Leratong opgeneem is, suurstof by ‘n kliniek ontvang het. Een van die susters het na bewering gesê dat Luhann tydens die magskof sy gesiggie teen die bedjie se kant gestamp het toe hy geval het. Rickey het foto’s van Luhann, asook sy vuil beddegoed geneem, en aan die hospitaalpersoneel gesê dat sy ‘n saak by die polisie gaan open, aangesien niemand haar reguit antwoorde kon gee oor wat gebeur het nie. Die Herald het die betrokke staatshospitaal oor die bewerings geskakel en dat hulle glo ondersoek instel.

• Saam sal ons staan – GPF en Polisie

Die gemeenskapspolisieringsforum (GPF) en Randfontein Polisie het dit duidelik gemaak dat hul verhouding ‘iets spesiaal’ is en hul vennootskap bevestig. Die frases “Dien en beskerm” asook “Saam sal ons staan” is gehoor op Sondag, 7 Januarie toe die GPF van Sektor 5.A hul tweede verjaarsdag gevier het. Nommers van Sektor 1 tot 5.B is in die Herald gepubliseer vir die publiek. Brigadier Jacob Manamela het weer beklemtoon hoe belangrik dit isdat gemeensklappe hande vat met ‘n GPF en die polisie. “Die publiek is ons oë en ore. Julle is my reservemag.” terwyl Henry Boyce, GPF Sektor 5.A se voorsitter en operasionele bestuurder vertel dat dat “Die tyd dat almal kla is verby. Ons moet meer doen betrokke raak. Mense is net te gemaklik.”

Brigadier Jacob Manamela with Henry Boyce, chairperson of CPF Sector 5A.

• Big blow to illegal mining in Pelzvale

Illegal mining activity on a farm in the Pelzvale area was dealt quite a blow when at least 10 underground tunnels were closed and the entrances sealed. Early on Tuesday morning, 9 January, a concerned business owner, some of his workers and at least two bulldozers were seen closing and sealing the entrances to illegal shaft and tunnels.The illegal miners/ zama-zamas were given three day’s notice of their plans to close all the entrances on 9 January by putting up pamphlets on trees and dropping them into the holes. The notice was in English, Sotho, Tswana and Zulu. Johan Willemse, Randfontein CPF Sector 5.2 chairperson added, “Illegal mining is a big problem in the area and we thank the business owner and workers for the good deed they are doing here today.”

• Jong CJ verloor sy stryd

Christo (CJ) Kotze, 7, wat aan ‘n harttoestand gely het, is op Vrydag, 12 Januarie 2018 oorlede. CJ se gesondheid het onlangs skielik verswak, tot op die punt waar sy ouers, Charlene en Jan Kotze, die hartverskeurende besluit moes neem om die masjiene wat hom aan die lewe gehou het, af te skakel. CJ het op 1 Januarie 2017 inmekaar gesak terwyl hy op ‘n glybaan gespeel het. Daarna is vasgestel dat CJ aan ‘n harttoestand ly. Nadat ‘n operasie op hom uitgevoer is, het CJ se toestand merkwaardige verbetering begin toon. Die Herald het ‘n hele aantal artikels oor CJ gepubliseer en was onder andere die dag by toe sy droom om op ‘n brandweerwa te ry, bewaarheid is. Hy is daardie dag danksy die Reach for a Dream-stigting en ander weldoeners behoorlik bederf en sy vordering was ongelooflik. Op Vrydag, 19 Januarie is ‘n begrafnisdiens by die Randfontein AGS kerk vir hom gehou waarna hy in die Greenhills Begraafplaas ter ruste gelê is.

CJ in Mei 2017 toe sy droom om in ‘n brandweerwa te ry, waar geword het.

• Heavy rain hits town

On Monday afternoon, 29 January, rain came pouring down, with the Herald reporting that storm-water drains had overflowed and some streets were flooded. Although there was no major damage reported, the municipality said there were other issues. He said they had received maintenance issues where the storm-water drains were filled to capacity and overflowed. This mostly occurred in Greenhills as well as the Village Square Mall and municipal offices in Toekomsrus. He added they had received many complaints from motorists regarding potholes which have re-emerged. The Herald was also called out to the R559 Road in Middelvlei which was full of water. It is a road between Randfontein and Carletonville where many heavy vehicles and busses make use of.

The rainfall in Malan Street next to Riebeeck Lake. Photo: Bianca Pindral.


• School bus and truck collide – 100 injured

At least 100 people were injured after a truck and school bus collided on the N12 in Westonaria one Tuesday afternoon. The West Rand Police Cluster has advised that the Westonaria police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the collision, which occurred at about 3pm. When ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene shortly before 4pm, they found a large group of people walking around on the scene. Most of the injured persons were schoolchildren aged between eight and 14 years. One child, and the truck driver, sustained serious injuries.

The schoolbus and truck that collided on the N12. Photo: ER24.

• Listeriosis outbreak

The Herald reported in late February that Listeriosis, a serious bacterial disease struck fear into not only the citizens of South Africa but the Health Department. There was 872 confirmed cases of listeriosis nationwide as of 14 February – 10 on the West Rand and 164 deaths in total. Themba Makhoba, Manager for Environmental Health at the West Rand District Municipality confirmed at the time there was indeed an outbreak. Nationally, the following foods tested positive for the bacterium namely all types of sausage at 35 per cent, mince also at 35 percent, chicken at 21 percent, cold meats at 6 percent and ready to eat foods at 3 percent. In June 2018, Times Live reported that polony is still causing listeriosis‚ four months after recall. The author, Wendy Knowler reported “Of the 78 people who got listeriosis after the shock March 4 announcement that the source of the outbreak was Tiger Brands’ Enterprise plant in Polokwane‚ two out of three of those interviewed have revealed that they ate polony”. She added, “It puts the number of confirmed cases of listeriosis at 1 053‚ with 212 deaths” and that since March, “Sales of polony and viennas are reported to have dropped by 70 percent‚ while that of other processed meats are down by 50 percent”. The Herald then reported in October despite reports that the the listeriosis threat is over, the public is advised to remain cautious when buying and preparing food, especially processed meat products. Themba said over 200 listeria-related deaths were reported in SA and emphasised that it remains important to adhere to certain key rules to keep the disease at bay.

Manager of the Department of Health Services in the WRDM said people should buy food products from retailers that have been issued compliance certificates.

• Veediewe slaan toe in Dwarskloof

Gedurende die nag van 5 Februarie is 24 skape op Morne en Mariaan du Toit se plot gesteel. Hulle het nou net ‘n handjievol oor. Die paartjie het in Desember van Swartruggens af Randfontein toe getrek, en is uiters geskok oor die voorval. Daar is 14 groot ooie, drie gespeende slaglammers en sewe ramme gesteel. Toe die Herald die plot besoek het, was Mariaan besig om die lammers, wat hul ma’s verloor het, met ‘n bottel te voed. Kaptein Appel Ernst, Randfontein Polisie-woordvoerder het aan die Herald gesê dat hulle nie ‘n toename in veediefstal waargeneem het nie, maar dat die polisie vee-eieneaars wil herinner om hulle diere ordentlik te merk.

Vee moet altyd duidelik gemerk word sodat hulle identifiseerbaar is. Foto: Jaco-Mari Futcher.

• Groot kommer oor 205 ongelukke op R28

Die Vryheidsfront Plus het onthul dat 205 ongelukke aangemeld is sedert konstruksiewerk verlede jaar aan die gedeelte van die R28 – van die Hillshaven-afrit tot by die N1 (Sebokeng-aansluiting) – begin het. Philip van Staden, VF Plus LPW in die Gautengse Wetgewer, het toe die LUR vir paaie en vervoer, dr Ismail Vadi, versoek om die R28 tussen Westonaria en Sebokeng te besoek om te verseker dat die ompad wat motoriste nou moet gebruik, veilig gemaak word. Van Staden het vertel dat konstruksiewerk verlede jaar daar begin het en dat verkeer herlei word na ‘n 15km-ompad verby Hillshaven waar dit later by die provinsiale pad aansluit. Volgens hom is 205 ongelukke reeds op die ompad aangemeld. Tien mense, onder andere ‘n vragmotorbestuurder, is dood en tientalle motoriste is beseer. In Maart het die Herald berig dat daar aan die versoek gehoor gegee is en ‘n tegniese ingenieur het na inspeksie aanbeveel dat veiligheidsmaatreelsdringend getref moet word. Hy het ook gese die departement het belowe om dadelik alles in hul vermoe te doen om waarskuwingstekens asook dreunstroke op die teerpad voor die skerp draai aan te bring en straatligte daar te herstel.

• Mohlakeng teen makes name for himself in the wheelchair tennis world

South African wheelchair tennis junior champion Mpho Mhlongo, 16, from Mohlakeng said wheelchair tennis changed his life. Mpho competed in his first-ever international tournament in France in January. He represented his country at the recent Cruyff Foundation Junior Masters in Tarbes, together with world number four junior Alwande Skhosana and said the experience was life-changing. Mpho, who was awarded a wild card, impressed in his debut at the prestigious junior event. He lost his opener against Conner Stroud 3–6 0–6, staged a stunning fight against Jucelio da Silva Torguato (Brazil) but fell to the Brazilian in a captivating match 1–6 6–3 4–6. He enjoyed his first match win after Riauri Logan retired at 6–2 3–6 1–0 due to a burst tube. Born with a congenital defect, Mpho’s association with wheelchair tennis started at the age of 13 and a year later he was ranked number 23 in the world. Mpho proved to be the country’s rising star when he broke into the top twelve in the world after only three years in the sport.

Mpho Mhlongo of South Africa in action in the first round of the men’s singles during day 1 of the SA Wheelchair Tennis Open at Ellis Park Tennis Stadium on 10 April last year. Photo by Reg Caldecott/Gallo Images

• Pay for your sins

Randfontein wasn’t too unhappy after finance Minister Malusi Gigaba delivered his maiden Budget Speech for 2018 in Cape Town. While sin taxes such as those levied on alcohol and cigarettes always will be a target, the VAT increase of 1 per cent was the biggest shock. The increase took effect on 1 April 2018. Government said they have not adjusted VAT since 1993 and decided that increasing VAT was unavoidable if they are to maintain the integrity of their public finances. Other increases include the fuel levy. Government also raised social grants to R528,4 billion over the next three years. After the speech, the Herald went into the streets of Randfontein to ask the public’s opinion and surprisingly overall, it seems that residents complained less than they did last year.


• Cape drought affects everyone

The water crisis in Cape Town and other surrounding areas has brought about a new appreciation for water. According to David Cooper, MD of Hansgrohe South Africa while the City of Cape Town has announced that Day Zero has been pushed out to 11 May, the #WaterCrisis in the Western Cape continues. The drought has drained water supplies – from the dams in the area to the bottled water at local stores – and across the city, people are doing whatever they can to make every drop count. He added that in Cape Town, tourism has been impacted, which could have a knock-on effect on the economy. There are also fears about the impact of water rations on health and safety. He gave tips how to save water, click here.

• Wow, what a Show!

This year’s Randfontein Show, the 32nd of its kind, is something the town can be proud of. People from as far afield as Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Rustenburg, Benoni, Kempton Park, Pretoria and surrounding areas of the West Rand once again flocked to the Greenhills Sport Stadium from 1 to 4 March. According to Marcelle Mans, Randfontein Show coordinator for 30 years, even some of their harshest critics have publicly apologised on social media for being so negative about the Show, and congratulated them on putting together something that the whole of Randfontein can be proud of. She added the weather was perfect, the programme of events ran smoothly, the entertainment was top-class and the visitors certainly seemed to enjoy themselves. They also received so much positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors and it is good know that all the hard work and months of planning was worth it.

It’s said the entertainment at this year’s Randfontein Show was top-class.

• A grand solar plan for Rand West City

A ground-breaking solar plant project was launched in Westonaria by Mzi Khumalo, the Executive Mayor on Saturday, 10 March. The Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) partnered with Africa Union Holdings and Poly Solar Technologies for the project. The first phase that is expected to give jobs to 10 000 local people in the next five years will cost R200 million.

Mzi Khumalo, the Executive Mayor.

• Still no escape from nyaope

Nyaope continues to destroy lives in Randfontein. This is according to Johan Lombaard, Manager of the Randfontein Life Esidimeni Recovery Centre in West Porges, who added that it’s due to the fact that the drug is easily available and cheaper than other illegal substances. He added the problem with nyaope is that it is a drug mixed with various chemicals. Moses Soobe, Chief Social Worer at the centre said the effects of the drug can render a person’s life totally dysfunctional. This is because its withdrawal symptoms are severe.

Johan Lombaard (Centre Manager) during the Youth Dialogue held at the Life Recovery Centre. Photo submitted.

• Disabled cop excels

Forty-seven-year-old Warrant Officer Nico Otto, a member of the Randfontein Police, is one person you don’t want to mess with, on the street or on the sports field. He recently won two gold medals and one silver at the South African Police Service National Athletics Championships, which took place at the Tshwane Police Academy in Pretoria. These championships are open to all police members, regardless of whether they are able-bodied or disabled. Nico started his career as a police officer in 1990, with the Roodepoort Police, and transferred to Randfontein in 2003. In an unfortunate incident, which occurred while he was off duty, he intervened in a robbery, and was shot and paralysed for his pains. Read his full story here.

Warrant Officer Nico Otto.

• Flood at Bird Sanctuary in Helikon Park

The Randfontein Bird Sanctuary was flooded by the heavy rainfall the previous week. Although the rain was welcome, the sanctuary for many birds and animals in Randfontein got a bit more than it could handle. At one spot you could see water looking like a waterfall, which will eventually drain Riebeeck Lake. Charne Henley, the site supervisor and nature custodian battled to get her vehicle out of the mud. The wooden deck that forms the pathway though the sanctuary was under water.

The wooden deck that forms the pathway though the sanctuary was under water.


• Robinson bridge one to fear

For nearly a decade, the Robinson Bridge has been a cause for great concern. The bridge at the entrance to the town of Randfontein has scared both pedestrians and motorists, because of its state of disrepair. According to Peter Dick, the councillor for Ward 9, it has been an eyesore to the community for years, but their pleas to have it repaired have fallen on deaf ears. He said the bridge which was constructed during the 1940s, has suffered extensive wear and tear that has been worsened by the heavy duty vehicles that frequently drive over it.It’s said that people crossing the bridge at night could easily fall through and openings and land on the railway tracks under it, and that the barriers placed on the bridge pose a serious danger too, because they make it narrower.

The exposed side of the bridge.

• R’fontein woman held abroad for drugs

A woman, 26, from Mohlakeng was arrested during a drug bust in February this year, and is being held for alleged drug possession in São Paulo, Brazil. Brigadier Jacob Manamela, the Randfontein station commander, confirmed that the matter is currently under investigation by Interpol. In an exclusive interview with the mother, it was said her daughter left for Cape Town on 22 February under the pretext of a new job – the daughter did not tell the mother what the job was. She said the last time she was in contact with her daughter was via WhatsApp, but their communication suddenly stopped, and her nightmare began. The mother said she has been unable to speak to her daughter since.

• Land – a hot potato

Talking about the issue of land expropriation in the country has so far proved to be a daunting task. While some land-owners, farmers and even ordinary South Africans shy away from it, some openly speak about it. Simon Mathysen, a farmer in Westonaria owns portion 292 of Waterpan IQ12, which he bought from the government in 1998. Tow decades after acquiring the land, Mathysen said for South Africa’s economy to expand, the land should be in the hands of those who will use it rightfully and to the benefit of all, regardless of whether they are black or white. He said, “We do not want a situation like that in Zimbabwe, where people took farms from farmers.” The Citizen and Herald‘s mother newspaper quoted President Cyril Ramaphosa as saying that people should not panic about the fact that the constitution is likely to be changed to allow land expropriation without compensation. “Land expropriation would not be a ‘smash and grab’ attempt, and much consultation would take place to ensure the process would not harm food production, jobs and the economy as a whole” – The Citizen.

Simon Mathysen has plans to expand his business but remains wary of crime affecting local farmers.

• Randfontein braai’s with Jacaranda FM!

The smell of braaivleis and fires was in the air on Mimosa Avenue and Lourie Road in Greenhills for the first ever, much anticipated Randfontein #Straatbraai with Jacaranda FM on Friday, 6 April. Late on Friday afternoon, Jacaranda’s team, headed up by the famous Rian van Heerden, visited his former hometown, Randfontein to host the third #Straatbraai in the series. The official broadcast started at 4pm, from the third town the station visited. The first Straatbraai was held in Boksburg, with the second one taking place in Pretoria. At about 5pm, more and more residents began arriving, and soon cooler boxes and camping chairs were everywhere. Even though some residents could not make it, many vehicles drove past and hooted. Read the full article here and all the pics here.

Rian van Heerden (blue shirt) of Jacaranda FM and a former Randfonteiner with a resident as well as some members of his team.

• State of the City Address – Our Mayor swears to …

Mzi Khumalo, Executive Mayor of the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) vowed to restore confidence among the town’s people by addressing the basics of service delivery during his 2018 State of the Town Address (Soca) held in council on Friday, 20 April. “We have committed our administration to ensuring that they get the basics right. Road markings must be clear, potholes must be filled within 72 hours as enshrined in our standard service delivery norms and standards, traffic lights must function, refuse is collected on scheduled days, illegal dumping sites are cleared, street and high-mast lights function properly and sewage running down on our streets are cleaned up,” were some of the promises made. Read the full article here. Four days later on Tuesday, 24 April during an Integrated Development Plan (IDP) meeting in Finsbury, residents had a go at the mayor. Kabelo Thobela, a resident of Tenacres, said “To the leadership sitting here: are you fit to run this office?” and that they took people’s lives for granted. His question was met with great applause from the residents who packed the venue, hoping that feedback would be given about issues raised during a meeting last October. Read the full article here.

Kabelo Thobela, asked the officials about their fitness for office, saying they took people’s lives for granted. He said calling the officials leaders is an embarrassment since they were not taking the community’s pleas seriously.

• Tambotie Mall turns one!

Tambotie Mall celebrated its first birthday on 27 and 28 April with 62 prizes and gave its two of its luckiest shoppers holidays to Umhlanga Rocks in KwaZulu-Natal. Lenette said the birthday celebration was well-received by the retailers, who chipped in handsomely to the festivities. Tambotie Mall was officially opened on 27 April 2017. Read the full article here.

• First Mr, Mrs en Miss Randfontein crowned

It was not just about the glitz, the glamour, the elegance and beauty during the first-ever Mr, Mrs en Miss Randfontein competition at Vredenvlucht Venue on 28 April. Kings and queens of Randfontein outdid each other on the catwalk as the 63 contestants took to the ramp in their stylish and exquisite outfits to win the hearts of the judges in the various categories. Janine van Loggerenberg Ferreira, Chief Executive Officer of the competition said after 13 long hours of interviewing the hopefuls intensively, the right candidates were selected. Read the full article here.

Some of the winners on the night.

• Another Mohlakeng woman turns 100

100 seems to be the new 65 after yet another Mohlakeng woman celebrated her 100th birthday. On Monday, 16 April, various luncheon clubs for the elderly, including Lesedi La Mohlakeng, Siya Funda, Refeng Kgotso and the Seventh Day Adventists came together in Macheng Street, Mohlakeng to celebrate the 100th celebration of Josephine Itumeleng Mogalobe. On top of it all, Ma Mogalobe’s rare achievement of being a centurion comes at the time of the Nelson Mandela’s 100th year celebration. The other is Mohlakeng granny Rosy Mamokgolo Thupane who celebrated her 100th birthday in Motsumi Street along with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren in April. During the Herald’s visit, it was clear she still cherishes the memories of how she moved to Mohlakeng from Mafikeng and first became a domestic worker. She was later employed at Aranda. A memory still with her today is the tragic 16 June uprisings in 1976 that affected the whole country, even Mohlakeng.

On top of it all, Ma Mogalobe’s rare achievement of being a centurion comes at the time of the Nelson Mandela’s 100th year celebration.


• Sad day for mining – seven men killed

The distraught family of the miners who died in the tragic seismic event at the Sibanya-Stillwater mine attended a moving memorial service. Many of them were in tears during the ceremony, and a sombre atmosphere permeated the Masizakhele Stadium at the Driefontein Operation where mourners, colleagues, government delegates, representatives of the unions and board members of the mining company united to pay homage to the seven men on Thursday, 10 May. The miners who died in the incident were Baptista Cuame, Bongumusa Mngomezulu, Ernesto Lumbela, Mbulelo Sonqowa, Nkosiphendulo Dudlela, Thabo Ntsheke and Christmas Madikizela.

Christmas Madikizela, one of the miners who died in the incident.

• Protests bring three town’s almost to a complete standstill

Protests in specifically Mohlakeng, Bekkersdal and Westonaria dominated the news headlines for more than a week. For several days, furious Mohlakeng residents took to the streets. They barricaded roads with stones, concrete structures and burning tyres, and at times looted shops and burnt government property. One Monday morning, protest action spread to the Randfontein CBD where some businesses were forced to close temporarily for the safety for their employees. Even the R28 and R559 had to be closed for some time and motorists were advised to use alternative routes to prevent damage to their vehicles by the debris on the roads. At times members of the Randfontein Police and Public order Policing (POP) were forced to use rubber bullets. At least 11 suspects were arrested and charged with public violence. The issues residents are unhappy about range from lack of amenities, lack of infrastructure, lack of development and poor service delivery, to their being sidelined for employment opportunities, and incurring high rates and taxes on their properties. Residents also complained that here is a lack of interaction between the municipality and the community. One Saturday, approximately 200 young people marched towards the Bekkersdal Police Station. A total of five suspects were arrested as a result and charged with public violence. Three days later on Tuesday, 15 May residents of the Westonaria Borwa informal settlement also took to the streets. Their message was clear – they want a ‘divorce’ from the Rand West City Local Municipality, because they feel they are being neglected, not offered job opportunities and being dangled on a string.

Criminal elements also featured during the protest.

• Bejaarde egpaar op plaas net buite Westonaria vermoor

Op Sondag, 13 Mei is Fanie, 78, en Coline, 74, Engelbrecht op hul plaas in Poortje net buite Westonaria wreed vermoor. Hulle was 53 jaar getroud. Die Herald het die begrafnisdiens in die NG Kerk Fochville-Noord in die verre Wesrand saam met ‘n hele aantal familie en vriende van die oorledenes bygewoon. Volgens Kaptein Kay Makhubela, woordvoerder van die Gautengse Provinsiale Polisie word ‘n saak van moord asook huisroof ondersoek. Daar is glo meer as een verdagte maar niemand is nog in verband met die moord aangekeer nie.

Fanie en Colleen Engelbrecht, wat op Sondag, 13 Mei wreed vermoor is. Foto: Facebook.

• Biological mother and stepfather of murdered three year old Poppie get life

On 24 May, 2018 Louisa Koekemoer (biological mother) and Kobus Koekemoer (stepfather) heard their fate in the Northern Gauteng High Court in Pretoria. Both received life sentences and an additional 10 years each for child abuse. Michélle Naudé Tönsing, also an activist, added the judge said the two are to never again deal with children. Both Kobus and Louisa were arrested in connection with the blue-eyed girl’s tragic death in Brits in 2016. Poppie died on the way to a hospital in the area as a result of her injuries.

Kobus Koekemoer, Poppie se stiefpa,en Louisa Koekemoer, Poppie se ma, in die Brits Landdroshof. Foto ingestuur.


• Carletonville man who survived impalement on crowbar runs Comrades

Daniel de Wet from Carletonville is living proof that miracles to happen. One afternoon in January 2015, Daniel, an engineering supervisor, was washing out a dam 3,5km underground in a mine near Carletonville. He was using an extended crowbar to stir up the mud, but suddenly slipped. Daniel looked down and to his utter disbelief he saw that the metal bar had penetrated his body – it entered his groin area and came out of his back, just below his shoulder blade. Fortunately, streamlined interventions by the mine’s rescue team, Netcare 911 paramedics, helicopter emergency medical service and the surgeons and nurses at Netcare Milpark Hospital trauma centre contributed to Danie’s life being saved and he walked out of the hospital just 19 days after his dramatic accident. On 10 June 2018, representing the Carleton Harriers and wearing race number 49470 Danie completed the ultra-marathon in 11 hours and 30 minutes. He had run the Comrades six times before. But instead of hanging up his medal won at this year’s Comrades, Daniel decided to hand it to the trauma surgeon who played a leading role in saving his life, Professor Kenneth Boffard.

Pictured at the medal handover were, from left to right: Netcare 911’s Acting Head: Emergency Operations Centre, FG Kloppers; Director of the Trauma Programme at Netcare Milpark Hospital, Professor Kenneth Boffard; former patient and Comrades runner Daniel de Wet; Unit Manager of the Oliver Tambo Trauma Intensive Care Unit at Netcare Milpark Hospital, Alet van Tonder; Nursing Manager Endri Kretsenger; and Unit Manager of the Emergency Department, Zasskia Wiese. Photo submitted.

• Two to three children abandoned monthly!

Child abandonment, child abuse, child neglect and child murder are still quite prevalent. While South Africa marked Child Protection Week (27 May to 3 June), the National Adoption Collation of South Africa (Nacsa) said that it is estimated that about 3 5000 children are abandoned annually in South Africa. That’s approximately 300 every month. Nacsa said that 65 percent of abandoned children are newborns and 90 percent are under the age of one. Ramona van der Heever, founder of Door of Care and Safety in Randfontein said children are abandoned due to substance abuse and unemployment among the parents. She told the Herald that two to three children are abandoned every month in Randfontein and that since the beginning of the year, they have received nine abandoned children aged between birth and 13 years.

Ramona van den Heever, the founder of the Door of Care and Safety, was excited that a second baby was dropped off at her institution. Photo: Jaco-Mari Futcher.

• Voormalige en geliefde Ram-skoolhoof sterf

Andre Crous, voormalige hoof van Laerskool Randfontein (Ram), is die afgelope naweek oorlede. Hy was van 1986 tot 2002 die Ram-hoof. Sy vrou Elsie en sy oudste dogter, Carina Crous-Trewick, het bevestig dat Andre Saterdag, 9 Junie sy stryd teen Alzheimer se siekte verloor het. Die egpaar het nog twee dogters, Marcia van der merwe en Annelie Oelofse. ‘n Gedenkdiens was op Vrydag, 15 Junie by die NG Randfontein-Noord gehou.

• R40 000 raised for abandoned babies

R40 000 was raised when about 60 Randfontein golfers teed off at the golf day organised to benefit the Just in Time Baby Sanctuary, on Friday, 1 June. Jolani Dreyer, coordinator of the golf day said the initiative’s aim was to raise funds to enable the baby sanctuary to function for three months and assist with operational costs. Georgina Caetano, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Just in Time Baby Sanctuary, said the funds raised at the golf day will go a long way to uplift the organisation. Ben Morgenrood Auto, Celebrino Eventavasion, Romaneli Designs, Loelin’s Arts and Crafts, Pets Control Specialists West Rand, Blue Bottle Liquors, Copperleaf Golf and Country Estate, Aloe Signs, Steed Electrical, Sy Meat Market, Shawn Coetzee and Shorty’s Mini-Market were all on the list of valued supporters of the tournament and the sanctuary.

Brad Wright and Brad Meyer took time out from their daily lives to support the golf day.

• Randfontein at this year’s Comrades

Three Randfontein clubs Colossus Athletics and Aerobics Club (Mohlakeng), Toekomsrus Athletics Club (TAC) and Randmark (Greenhills) took on the 2018 Comrades Marathon with courage and passion. Although the route has been described as tough, Frans Mola from Simunye, who runs for Gold Fields was once again the first Rand West City finisher in a quick time of under six-and-a-half hours while Lesotho citizen Mamphane Maluke, who runs for Mohlakeng Colossus was the first runner from the team to finish, in a time of nine hours and 57 seconds. Mohlakeng Colossus had a total of 14 runners but only 11 of them managed to finish. Randmark had 11 runners to successfully complete the Comrades, the quickest being Naledi Kutumela in a time of 7:19:59.

Randmark had 11 runners to successfully complete the Comrades, the quickest being Naledi Kutumela in a time of 7:19:59.

• Killers get life for Titus’ 2014 murder

Four men have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Lucky Titus four years ago. The sentence was handed down in the South Gauteng High Court. Titus’ death sparked outrage in Mohlakeng during late 2014. He went missing on 27 October and his body was found on a railway in Carletonville just over a week later. Shea Alloysius JB Phate, 43, Mlungisi Emmanuel Peter, 41, Andrew Motubatsi, 44, and Benton Lawu, 30, were found guilty on all the charges. They were subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment on the murder charges and an additional 18 years imprisonment each for attempted murder, kidnapping and defeating the ends of justice.“Judge Mokgoatlheng was presiding while Advocate Narissa Muller was prosecuting on behalf of the State. The case was investigated by Warrant Officer Santie le Roux-Laufs of the West Rand Trio Task team. The men will effectively serve life imprisonment,” said Captain Appel Ernst, Randfontein Police spokesperson. Brigadier Mashole Jacob Manamela, the Randfontein Police station commander lauded all the parties involved in concluding the case and ensuring that justice was served.

Titus started off as missing and was found dead in another area days later.

• ‘Our town is falling apart’ – Taxpayers vs municipality

Randfonteiners expressed frustration with the Rand West City Council during a public meeting at the Greenhills Sport Stadium. High municipal rates and taxes, lack of services, lack of urgency from municipal workers, rising unemployment, deteriorating infrastructure, nepotism, bankruptcy and lack of maintenance are among the many issues that are angering the community. Those attending the meeting who were disappointed that the Executive Mayor, Mzi Khumalo was a no-show at the meeting, directed their dissatisfaction at the representatives of the municipality. Other residents also complained about the level of service shown by the municipal officers, saying that when they visit municipal offices, officials are always eating at their work stations without attending to them. Helikon Park resident, Louisa Douglas said Randfontein has become a pigsty and is almost in ruins. Mangena added that the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) must be ready to work with the public to resolve the issues. If not, problems will never be resolved, residents will remain disgruntled and they will resort to protests. After months of holding meetings to discuss issues affecting residents in the RWCLM, the Randfontein Tax Payers’ Association has decided to take steps to intensify its efforts to hold the municipality accountable. Residents were also informed in a letter written by the Executive Mayor, Mzi Khumalo that the meetings will no longer be attended by the Members of the Mayoral Committee (MMCs) as was the case at two previous meetings. Residents made it clear they are fed up. Click here for the full story. Later in the year, on 27 September the municipality confirmed to the Randfontein taxpayers that funding is one of its major problems and the reason for servie delivery being limited and why many think they are dysfunctional. Themba Goba, municipal manager said during a meeting held on the day that many industries in the area owe the municipality money, which in the end affects service delivery. In November, the Herald reported there has been a lot of unrest at the West Rand District Municipality (WRDM) for the past few weeks due to financial stress. The municipality’s dire financial situation led to a number of protests by the employees demanding their salaries and that third-party payments be made. On 31 October, unhappy employees locked in the senior management during a council meeting, demanding that their salaries be paid before they let the managers out. The disgruntled employees blamed the municipality’s investment in the controversial VBS Mutual Bank for the money problems, but Clement Mohlala, communications officer at the WRDM denied these allegations. Uhuru Moiloa, Cooperative Governance MEC said a formal investigation is underway and it will uncover what led to them being too broke to even pay salaries.” On 23 November the Herald reported that discussions to put the WRDM under administration are being held. A week earlier emergency services downed tools, saying their third-party payments have not been done. All emergency vehicles were driven onto the WRDM premises with many expressing their concern. The organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) said it is concerned about the safety of communities on the West Rand, as emergency services are now on hold due to the municipality’s financial collapse.

Strikers say they will not budge, until their demands are met by WRDM.

• Inwoner vier haar 102de verjaarsdag

Maria Elizabeth le Roux of Tannie Lizzie het op 3 Junie haar 102de verjaarsdag saam met vriende en familie by die Renaissance Oord gevier. Tydens die vieringe is sy ook gekroon as die oord se koningin. Sy woon al 27 jaar in die Renaissance oord en die inwoners voel al vir haar soos familie, maar sy sal nooit haar eie familie en haar 46 nasate wat oor vyf generasies strek, vergeet nie.

Tannie Lizzie woon al 27 jaar in die Renaissance oord.


• Property rates bomb!

If you own agricultural property you probably should sit down the next time you open your mail. If DA Councillor Gerhard Kruger hadn’t received the letter pertaining to his property, he and DA Councillor Alwyn van Tonder would still be in the dark about the way property rates increases for agricultural properties in Randfontein are being determined and implemented. According to Kruger a supplementary evaluation has been done on his plot and his property is now categorised as residential. However, Kruger has no knowledge of anyone doing the supplementary evaluation on his plot. The notice he found stuck in his gate was allegedly from the Municipal Manager, but no one has signed it. In terms of the Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004, supplementary valuations can be made to correct substantially previously incorrect general valuations which can result in a change of category of property. The Act, as well as the regulations promulgated on 27 March 2009 (Gazette No 32061 and 32062) clearly define ‘agricultural property’, which includes plots and farms. According to van Tonder, the municipal valuer had evaluated the properties based on size, the buildings and the use, instead of on zoning describing the process as “unfair and unethical”. The supplementary evaluation can change zoning from agriculture to industrial or residential. The approved rates for agricultural property is 0,0032 and industrial and residential are 0,03 and ,0126 respectively. This means that the majority of the agricultural community is going to have to pay more for their property rates. According to Thabiso Makhele of the Rand West City Local Municipality, they advertised the supplementary property evaluation process in the Sowetan and they delivered letters of notification to the affected property owners.

• Woman in corruption case still missing

The family of Noma Kunene is living in hopes that she will be found. She has been missing since February this year. According to a statement released by Natasha Adonis on behalf of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF), Kunene, 41, was last seen on Monday afternoon (26 February 2018). Every effort by concerned family and friends to locate her has been in vain. She reportedly mysteriously disappeared and missed crucial appointments including her work commitments. Subsequently a missing persons case was opened at the Randfontein Police on 26 February 2018.Kunene is a Deputy Director at the West Rand based NGO, A Re Ageng Social Services. The organisation runs two shelters for abused women and children in Bekkersdal and Simunye. Click here for the full story.

• Special Mandela Day edition and tribute

The Herald ran numerous articles and a special edition dated Friday, 20 July 2018 all in tribute of former president Nelson Mandela. The Herald took to the streets to find out from locals what they admired about him – some even met him in person while others held an event in his name and to celebrate his centenary birthday. Ram for example went back in time to 1994 when the icon visited the school while Caroline Setsiba, a Rand West City representative, shared her encounter with Mandela 25 years ago. Also search our website www.randfonteinherald.co.za with key word Mandela Day/ Mandela Dag for more storie.

Enrique Bhana (middle) hands over clothes to Edwin Petersen during the Mandela Day. Also in the picture is Julien Petersen (left).

• Land expropriation debate moves to Randfontein …

On Thursday, 26 July, the Constitutional Review Committee set its sights on the West Rand and convened a public hearing about a possible amendment to section 25 of the Constitution. The aim of the amendment is to allow expropriation of land without compensation. The six-hour meeting in a packed Westonaria City Hall featured heckling, applause and cheers as various community members expressed their views. Some supported the motion while others said that if the amendment is passed into law, the process should be fair. Click here to view some videos on what was said that day. Two months later on Tuesday, 5 September, another discussion about the proposed amendments to section 25 of the Constitution took place at Lund Auctioneers in Randridge. It was attended by members of the DA and about 30 Randfontein farmers. “They (the government) are trying to make it a racial problem but the truth is that they have failed in regard to and reform and now they are trying to make up for it” and “The president thinks he can change the Constitution to suit himself, but he is playing with South Africa’s future” were some of the things said that day.

Parliament has opened a public participation process on how to implement land expropriation without compensation. Photo: Tumi Riba.

• ‘We cannot do it alone’ – SPCA pleads

Without doing any fundraising, the Randfontein/ Westonaria SPCA can only keep its doors open for another eight to nine months. This was revealed at the SPCA’s annual general meeting held in Randfontein on Saturday, 21 July. Lorika Boshoff, Randfontein/ Westonaria SPCA chairperson, said more fundraising will have to be done to help cover their monthly costs and strengthen their bank balances. Lorika stated at the meeting that the amount of available money is R810 690,34 in total (Randfontein – R205 477,96) and (Westonaria – R605 212,38). Expenses per month (salaries and basic running costs) are: Randfontein approximately R55 000 and Westonaria approximately R35 000, which adds up to R90 000 in total. Read the full story here.

Lorika Boshoff speaking during the annual general meeting about the SPCA’s challenges. Also in the picture are Erika Joubert (middle) and Janette Muller (right).


• We need a miracle – Police about the crime situation in SA

Police in the West Rand Cluster came together to discuss solutions to the ever-increasing crime rate. The gathering was at the Mogale City Centenary Hall in Krugersdorp on Thursday, 16 August. The event saw various police representatives from a number of jurisdictions in attendance. According to Captain Appel Ernst, the Randfontein Police spokesperson, “The crime situation in South Africa is of grave concern to all, especially to the police, who are mandated to protect and serve.” A Regional Divine Intervention approach has since been launched to address the crime concerns in the cluster.

• Motorists across West Rand terrorised by hijackers posing as hitchhikers

West Rand Cluster Police urge motorists and truck drivers to refrain from picking up hitchhikers to avoid being hijacked. This warning came after a new modus operandi by criminals had surfaced. Captain Eddie Boboko, West Rand Cluster spokesperson said the N12 from Wedela all the way to the R28 crossing and up to Lenasia are specifically affected. He said trucks and vehicles are hijacked in both directions on this route by people posing as hitchhikers. In other instances the hijackers follow the targeted vehicle in another vehicle. One suspect was killed, another arrested and a hijacked Jeep worth R800 000 recovered by the West Rand Flying Squad in Westonaria late on Wednesday night, 29 August. Karen du Plessis, the West Rand Flying Squad spokesperson, said in a statement that at about 9.15pm, Sergeant Tshepo Tshukudu and Constable Godfrey Konyana were following the coordinates of a tracker signal coming from a hijacked Jeep. Click here for the full story.

The suspect arrested on scene. Photo submitted.

• Famous sportsman still fighting despite illness, home invasion

With the title of Shihan behind his name, Ken Wittstock, 77, a famous karate teacher and a giant in the sport has been around the world to represent South Africa and Randfontein in karate. In August last year, his caregiver was murdered and another person hospitalised after three men had targeted his home in Homelake. Ken was inside the house on the day but survived the attack. However, he is currently facing a new opponent in the form of an illness that has left him bedridden for the past four years. In a front page article, Ken said, “You know that something is not right, but you try to fight and ignore all the signs, hoping that you will get better”.

Ken was inside the house on the day but survived the attack.

• Vanjaar se Mnr en Mej Riebeeckrand is …

Hoërskool Riebeeckrand het hul Mnr en Mej Riebeeckrand 2018 gekroon. Die spoggeleentheid het in hul skoolsaal plaasgevind met die tema ‘Enchanted Forest’. Mnr Riebeeckrand is Collin da Corte, Mej Riebeeckrand Senior Tyllin Barnard en Mej Riebeeckrand Junior Christelle Vosloo. Lees die volledige berig hier.

Mnr en Mej Riebeeckrand-wenners, Collin da Corte (Mnr Riebeeckrand), Tyllin Barnard (Mej Riebeeckrand Senior) en Christelle Vosloo (Mej Riebeeckrand Senior) met hul krone en pryse. Foto ingestuur.

• Rappies deel ook krone uit

Laerskool Rapportryer en Rappies Pre-Primer se jaarlikse Mnr en Mej Rappies-funksie het op 17 Augustus plaasgevind met ‘Out of Africa’ die tema. Mej Rappies Kleuterskool is Millinique Smith, Mej Rappies Junior Tinique de Beer en Mej Rappies Senior Ilze van der Westhuizen. Mnr Rappies Kleuterskool is Peirre le Clus, Mnr Rappies Junior Juan Schultz en Mnr Rappies Senior Marco Hoffman. Lees die volledige berig hier.

Mienke Kern (eerste prinses), Tinique de Beer (Mej Rappies Junior) en Kayleigh de Witt (tweede prinses). Foto: Johan Minnaar.

• Nuwe Mnr en Mej Jannas gekroon

Deelnemers aan die Mnr en Mej Jan Viljoen-kompetisie het die gehoor se asems weggeslaan met hul deftige uitrustings op Vrydag, 17 Augustus. Die tema van die aand was ‘1938 sjiek’.Afrikaanse sanger, Dirk van der Westhuizen was die seremoniemeester tydens die glansgeleentheid. Kliek hier vir die volledige storie.

Monique van Dyk, Mej Jan Viljoen Jnr 2018, Sinead Hall, Mej Jan Viljoen Jnr 2018 en Danté Fouché, Mnr Jan Viljoen 2018.


• New crime stats (1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018) raise eyebrows

The latest crime statistics revealed that the majority of South Africans are left at the mercy of criminals. Nationally and according to the Herald’s mother paper, The Citizen, the 2017/18 period saw murder in South Africa increase by 6,9 per cent. The Minister of Police admitted this to be unacceptable, saying SA is close to being a “war zone”. In the same report, Cele condemned the high statistics and said 57 South Africans were murdered every day. He also admitted that the Police had “dropped the ball” for things to get to that level. The Citizen further reported that the minister expressed shock, saying that “never again” should such a high crime rate be recorded and noted the fear and stress that South Africans live under. Click here for crime statistics for Randfontein, Bekkersdal and Westonaria.

• Cheers, Captain Appel

Captain Appel Ernst, spokesperson for the Randfontein Police said she has completed her mission in the police service and will now be stepping down to pursue her other aspirations, after her long stint of three decades as a policewoman. The 54-year-old Appel, who was born in Krugersdorp became a police officer at the age of 18 years. It was in 1983 that Appel was introduced to the police (South African Police Force then) after she completed her training at the Pretoria Police College. Appel has served as client service commander, administration commander and then human resource commander over the years. In 200, she was nominated as the policewoman of the year in Gauteng. She told the Herald her next project will be caring for the elderly but before that, she is going to travel throughout South Africa, enjoying various destinations.

• ‘n Leeu in die Teinekuil vir 2019

Deon van Rensburg, ‘n voormalige Goue Leeus-speler is reg om Randfontein Rugbyklub (Teine) se eerstespan na nuwe hoogtes te neem. Deon, 36, gaan twee jaar lank die hoofafrigter van Teine se eerstespan wees en het sy termyn in November vanjaar afgeskop. Hoewel dit Deon se eerste afrigterspos is, het rugbyspanne hom al voorheen gekonsulteer. Hy glo sy agtergrond in klub- en professionele rugby sal help in die opsig. Hy het vir meer as ses jaar professioneel rugby gespeel. Hy het van 2009 tot 2014 vir die Leeus gespeel nadat hy vir die Luiperds gespeel het. Volgens Deon is die klub se tema vir 2019 ‘Bring die hoop weer terug’ en is hy van plan om presies dit te doen.

Deon van Rensburg, ’n voormalige Leeus-speler, gaan twee jaar lank die hoofafrigter van Teine se eerstespan wees. Foto: Jaco-Mari Futcher

• West Rand police show off their heritage

Various police stations in the West Rand cluster proudly represented the different cultures in South Africa when they celebrated Heritage Day at the Greenhills Stadium on Thursday, 27 September. Each station was allocated a tradition to represent, namely Bekkersdal – Kaapse Klopse/ Cape Malay; Carletonville – Afrikaners; Fochville – Indian; Hekpoort – Ndebele; Kagiso – Sesotho; Khutsong – Tswana; Krugersdorp – Tsonga; Magaliesburg – Zhosa; Muldersdrift – Swazi; Tarlton – English; Wedela – Venda; Westonaria – Sepedi and hosts Randfontein – Zulu. The groups had to dress, prepare food and perform a dance in their allotted tradition.

A member of the Randfontein Police in Zulu attire.


• New Randfontein Police spokesperson welcomed

There’s a new sheriff in town, or rather spokesperson ready to serve and protect Randfontein. Constable Carmen Hendricks, the newly appointed Randfontein Police spokesperson said she will do everything in her power to help the community feel safe as long as they help the police to rid the streets of criminals. Born in Port Elizabeth, Carmen, 42, finally landed in Randfontein in 1995 to follow her dream of being a police officer, a dream she had since she was a little girl. Being in the service now for 12 years, she has never looked back.

Constable Carmen Hendricks, the newly appointed Randfontein Police spokesperson (right) welcomed with open arms.

• Major drug bust in Middelvlei

The area’s drug market was struck a big blow when a drug lab was discovered in Middelvlei on Wednesday, 3 October. Three suspects (a 60-year-old man and two women aged 20 and 37) were arrested when the Soweto K9 Unit found drug-manufacturing equipment on a premises that day. The suspects face charges of manufacturing drugs, dealing in drugs and possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. Brigadier Jacob Manamela, Randfontein Police station commander said that the bust was the result of a tip-off received from the community. He added that this drug lab was a well-organised drug-manufacturing business.

More drug-manufacturing equipment.

• Rabies still out there, warns vet

With thousands of people being killed worldwide by rabies every year, World Rabies Day was again an opportunity to remind people that the fight against the disease is not over. Dr Doret du Plessis of the Culemborg Veterinary Clinic shed some light on the deadly virus and started by saying rabies can be transmitted from animals to humans either by infected animal saliva or a bite. She added that although rabies is 100 per cent preventable, at least 59 000 people die from the disease each year. She said, “It is a threat particularly to poor people in rural areas where there are no measures to control diseases in animals. There is also a low awareness to seek healthcare after a dog bite and limited access to human rabies vaccines”. She made it clear, “It is required by SA law that all dogs and cats are vaccinated against the disease”.

• Gesin van Westonaria vasgebind, beroof van waardevolle items 

‘n Gesin wat op Maandag, 8 Oktober die slagoffers van ‘n huisroof op ‘n kleinhoewe in Waterpan, Westonaria was het vertel van hul drie ure van hel.Volgens Hans Goosen, 52, het net na 7nm van die werk afgekom toe hy by sy hek skielik deur vyf mans oorval is. Sy 50-jarige vrou, Melinda en sy 26-jarige dogter, Bianca was reeds tuis. Vier van die vyf rowers het balaklawas gedra en volgens Melinda was die ander een baie arrogant en aggressief. Die rowers het hulle met gordynwegbinders vasgebind en hul ore met ‘n strykyster probeer brand Hulle het gelukkig nie ernstig seergekry nie. Hans het vertel dat die rowers presies geweet het waar die kluis in hul slaapkamer was en hulle het vir hom gesêom dit te gaan oopsluit. Hulle het die handwapen en sy twee jaggewere gegryp, en al die dokumente en papiere uitgegooi op soek na geld, maar daar was nie ‘n sent in die kluis nie. Die rowers het die televisies, selfone, skootrekenaars, juwele en vuurwapens in Hans se voertuig gelaai en gevlug. Die voertuig is intussen gevind. Volgens Melinda vermoed hulle dat die rowers inligting gekry het by iemand wat voorheen in hul huis was, want die rowers het geweet waar al die waardevolle items was. Sersant Linkie Lefakane, Bekkersdal-polisiewoordvoerder het bevestig dat ‘n soektog na vyf verdagtes geloods is.

• ‘Do not label me’ – person with albinism

Not only does Matsiane Cossa carry the burden of visual impairment caused by albinism, he also fears for his life. Almost on a daily basis, the 39-year-old Mohlakeng resident faces insults from the community. He added that although he was discriminated against, he was fortunate enough to have been raised by supportive parents. Life became difficult for him when he stepped into the outside world. Throughout his schooling he was ostracized, and he continuously had to prove that he could do everything those without his condition could do. Regarding the atrocities perpetrated against people living with albinism, he said he fears for his life and the lives of others like him. He also said living with albinism is hard and that others make them feel ashamed of their condition. Asked about the change he would like to see, Matsiane said society needs to include people with albinism.

Sonto Mazibuko, president of the Albinism Society of South Africa.

• A walk with the SPCA

The Rand West SPCA hosted its annual Dog Walk event on Sunday, 8 October. This event is a big favourite in the community, and according to Lorika Boshoff, chairperson of Rand West SPCA, this year’s event was even bigger than previous years with almost 80 entries in 2018 compared to only about 50 entries in 2017. The fundraising event is very important to the SPCA because they do not have enough funds for all Randfontein and Westonaria’s expenses.

• Sewerage farm in Elandsvlei a big health risk

The condition of the Randfontein Waste Water Treatment Works sewerage farm has long been a source of concern for various members of the community and is currently under investigation. On Monday, 22 October, Leon Boshoff the DA Shadow Minister of Water and Sanitation was joined by various DA public representatives and community members to inspect the equipment failures at the sewage farm that have caused a serious water and sewage issue in Randfontein. Sewage overflowed from the lower part of the sewage farm from Sunday, 14 until Thursday, 18 October. According to Peter Dick, DA councillor for Ward 9 the incident was a symptom of the poor condition of the sewage farm and indicated that the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) has failed in their responsibility to maintain the sewage farm. The Herald has received numerous complaints from farmers and other community members from as far afield as Tarlton, saying that the overflow would affect their farms and households negatively. On Tuesday, 16 October, a cow became sick on the smallholding where the sewage entered Tweelopiespruit. The condition of the sewage farm is being investigated by the department and it’s said that only two of the 10 sewage pumps are functional. In response, Tshidiso Tlharipe and RWCLM spokesperson said the municipality is in the process of appointing a service provider for the refurbishment of the Randfontein Wastewater Treatment Works.

Leon Boshoff the DA Shadow Minister of Water and Sanitation was joined by various DA public representatives and community members to inspect the equipment failures at the sewage farm that have caused a serious water and sewage issue in Randfontein.

• Toekies se oudste vroulike inwoner is 100

Sarah Wankra, of Mammie soos die gemeenskap haar noem, was daar toe Toekomsrus nog sy naam gekry het en sy is gelukkig genoeg om steeds haar wysheid met haar nagenoeg 70 nasate te kan deel. Op 17 Oktober het Toekies se oudste vroulike inwoner haar 100ste verjaarsdag gevier. Sy was teekeer in haar lewe getroud en sy het reeds soveel kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders dat niemand in die familie meer kan tred hou nie. Mammie is in die sogenaamde Swart Oktober in 1918 gebore toe baie mense weens die Spaanse Griep-epidemie gesterf het. Mita Naude, Mammie se oudste dogter is nou 72. Sy het gese dat haar ma haar deur al die jare op die regte pad gehou het.

Sarah Wankra, of Mammie soos die gemeenskap haar noem, het het op haar verjaarsdag flink op haar hoëhakskoene tussen familie en vriende met ‘n bordjie koek in die hand rondbeweeg. Foto: Jaco-Mari Futcher

• More needs to be done against women and child abuse

The streets, especially the main roads of Randfontein and Mohlakeng, came to life when scores of protesters, mostly women, marched against women and child abuse recently. Early on Friday, 12 October, the crowd gathered at the Mohlakeng Recreation Centre and marched to the Randfontein Magistrates’ Court to plead for gender-based violence to come to an end. Joining them was one man who attracted a lot of attention. The towering figure in black with a tyre hanging around his neck who preceded those in the march was Tebogo Munyai, a professional performance artist. He said, “There will come a time that we will be left with no generation unless we act and all stand up to face the issue.” Enrique Bhana of Women Against Women and Child Abuse (Wawa) added, “We did this under the #Arebueng (let’s talk) banner, which meant that we wanted people to come to speak out against this issue.”

Tebogo demonstrates against gender-based violence.

• R’fontein has a Festa!

The 2018 Portuguese Festival once again saw a great number of people from all walks of life come out to enjoy the culture showcased at the St Antony’s Catholic Church on Sunday, 28 October. Despite the scorching heat, the visitors were intent on enjoying this annual event. There was plenty of entertainment to choose from and various delicious Portuguese dishes were on offer for people to taste and enjoy. Sandra Avelar, one of the coordinators of the festival, said there was about 3 000 people who came from different corners of Randfontein, other parts of the West Rand and Gauteng as a whole.


• Vaccination triggers out-of-control seizures for young Jano

Since Jano Fourie was born in 2013, his parents haven’t had the pleasure of seeing him grow as a normal child. Instead, they have been taking turns at night to make sure he keeps breathing. Marijke, Jano’s mother, shared the story of the family’s desperate attempts to find a cure for their son amid the fear brought on by severe seizure attacks. Born as a perfectly normal child, the day four-month-old Jano had a vaccination, he became a very unfortunate baby. He soon developed a breathing problem, marking the start of the family’s ordeal. In the early stage Jano had 70 to 100 seizures daily for seven months, and had to be admitted to an ICU unit. As a result of what he suffers from, a condition that 18 doctors have failed to diagnose, Jano us unable to walk and continues to have life-threatening seizures. Even with the medication and us looking after him, Jano still has two or three every month.” She added that during many of the seizure episodes, Jano’s heart rate would go up to 280, which puts him at risk of going into cardiac arrest. So far, it has cost R2,7 million to look after Jano, and very month, the family spends between R8 000 and R10 000 to cover his needs. Ryan Diesel of Geotab, an organisation that has been assisting with raising funds for Jano, took on the 947 Cycle Challenge promoting Jano’s biography which was written by Hanlie Thiel and entitled Grenslose Genade. Ryan said their purpose is not only to raise funds, but also to create awareness for those with children who may suffer from a similar condition.

Jano with Ryan Diesel.

• From orphan to supermom with a degree

Pamela Maphoto, 31, grew up in a child-headed household living off the R80 her brother earned a week but still managed to make a success of her life. Her mother and father died shortly after one another when she was still in primary school. Non of their family wanted to help her or her older brother, who was in high school. Their parents left their house in Toekomsrus, so the two of them stayed there. They had to fight to stay alive because they had no one to look after them. Her brother got a job on Saturdays where he earned R80. That’s all they had each week for food, electricity and toiletries. Some weeks they didn’t even have food and she remembers studying by candlelight as they couldn’t afford electricity. By the time she was in high school, someone from Carryou Ministry had heard about them and started helping with food and electricity. When she finished matric they also gave her the opportunity to go to university. She studied Environmental Health at the Tshwane University of Technology and is currently busy with her honours degree at the Northwest University. She is working as an environmental specialist, on the board of Carryou Ministry and a motivational speaker. She recently got married and has a four year old daughter.

Pamela still managed to make a success of her life.

• Ons het groot planne vir 2019 – Teine

Randfontein Rugbyklub het tydens hul jaarlikse algemene vergadering hul planne vir die 2019-seisoen onthul. Tydens dié vergadering is die Teine se finansies, samestelling van die komitee asook vooruitsigte vir 2019 bespreek. Volgens die finansiële verslag het die klub dié jaar ongelukkig ‘n verlies gely, maar die kroeg is steeds die grootste bron van inkomste en dit groei steeds. Die klub het ook vanjaar vir die eerste keer ‘n tesourier aangewys wat die finansiële verslag sal nagaan. Die tesourier sal ook maandlikse verslae opstel sodat die klub te alle tye sal weet hoe die finansiële sake staan. Johan het gesê dat die rugbyklub moontlik volgende jaar hul gebou tydens die Randfontein Skou gaan verhuur vir ‘n ekstra inkomste. Die komitee vir 2019 lyk so Billy Vermeulen (President), Johan Cronje (Voorsitter), Corné Hulme (Adjunkvoorsitter), Mara Conradie (Klubbestuurder), Henry Combrink (Klubkaptein), Hennie van Eck (Tesourier), Frank Naudé, Sylvester Engelbrecht en Michael Grobler (almal Komitee) en Rudy Janse van Rensburg en Ryno Bosman (almal Buitekomitee).

Johan Cronje is gekies as die 2019-voorsitter van die Randfontein Rugbyklub. Foto: Jaco-Mari Futcher

• A second chance in life for ex-con

Some people believe that prison makes offenders worse, but Lucky Mosimane believes the 14-year sentence he served was his new lease on life. The 40-year-old ex-convict of Bekkersdal, who returned to the community in June this year, said he regrets the day he flirted with the idea of making a quick buck through crime. He said he was arrested at the age of 25, and regrets having wasted most of his youth. With his new free gym he is now redeeming himself by getting the youth off the streets, especially those who are at risk of becoming trapped in crime or substance abuse.

• Father-daughter quality time in Robinson

Happy little princesses and their proud fathers recently shared a special date night. The first annual Daddy-Daughter Date night was held at the Randfontein Golf Club on 3 November. During this special night, fathers put on their best suits and tuxes and their daughter wore princess dresses and fancy jewellery. Some girls were gifted with roses and others were swept away with the gentlemanly treatment they received. According to Louise Barney of Kidz Partnership, an organisation which aims to bring family members closer, the event was a major success. “The event was sold out and I was wiping tears throughout the evening. It was special to see fathers and daughters share a moment, especially during the crowning and the first dance,” Louise said. The idea for this event started with Louise’s daughter and her father’s first date night. Louise realised that there a need for better father-daughter relationships in the community. Although fathers always try their best to provide for their family financially, they sometimes forget the little things. “We wanted to remind fathers that it’s up to them to set a standard for the treatment their daughters should command in future years. They should always remember to set an example for their princesses. We also wanted little girls to know their worth. If they know that they are princesses because they are the daughters of kings, they won’t let anyone fool them and get away with it,” she said. Louise is excited to organise the next Daddy–Daughter Date Night as there is a serious need for quality father-daughter time.

• Rand West City Traffic Department (RWCTD) drops Festive bomb

Traffic offenders will face the full might of the law and are guaranteed to face jail without any bail. This is the warning issued by Kenny Mampondo, chief of the RWCTD who said his department will join forces with other law-enforcement agencies to adopt a zero-tolerance policy especially for drunk drivers this Festive Season. He said given the great number of holiday-makers going to various destinations and more road users, his department will intensify its operations and activities to curb crime and bring the situation under control, and most importantly, securing safety for all. He added the programmes during the festive season will include joint roadblocks and walk-ins in the malls, CBD and continuous by-law enforcement.

• Van plaasmeisie tot Wêreld se #1

Esté Lubbe, 29, van Loumarina Plotte was baie emosioneel toe hulle haar naam by die NABBA/ WFF Wêreldkampioenskappe in die VSA aangekondig het as die Wêreldkampioen in haar kategorie. Sy gaan egter nie binnekort ophou om aan liggaamsboukompetisies deel te neem nie, want sy het nog baie doelwitte wat sy graag wil bereik.

Esté Lubbe (tweede van links af) wat as Wêreldkampioen in die amateurkategorie aangewys is, saam met ander deelnemers. Foto ingestuur.

• Teine players honoured for 2018 season

Awards were handed out left, right and centre at Randfontein Rugby Club’s annual award ceremony. The night saw many sports people, fans, friends, families and rugby fanatics come together for the love of the game. They celebrated with those who were recognised by being awarded hard-earned titles. Click here for the full list of winners.

• Massive drug lab discovered in Hillside

Four people have been arrested by police who discovered a lab manufacturing drugs on a plot in Hillside on Wednesday, 21 November. The property belongs to a former Kaizer Chiefs professional soccer player and he was one of the four arrested. Colonel Lungelo Dlamini, Gauteng Police spokesperson, said the Crime Intelligence Unit had been observing the area for a few weeks before they raided the place. “When we got inside the place, we found chemicals that we believe are used for manufacturing Mandrax.” He added that the chemicals, equipment and end-product could be worth millions of Rands.

Gauteng Police said they found chemicals that they believe are used for manufacturing Mandrax.
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