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Matrics: ‘Focus to the end and make every mark count’

Advice for matrics on how they should approach their remaining papers with a clear head.

As the Matric class of 2018 settles into the rhythm of the final exams, an education expert has warned them not to become complacent, thinking the ‘worst’ is behind them, but instead to knuckle down and give it their best sustained effort right until the end.

“Consistency is key right now, and you will thank your future self for not getting distracted by the light at the end of the tunnel, but rather approaching each paper as a new opportunity to take your grades from good to spectacular,” said Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information and Communications Technology at The Independent Institute of Education.

She added the reason for not relaxing now, with mostly the “easier” subjects remaining, is because small aggregate differences, whether in a specific subject or overall results, can significantly influence options after school.

Nola said learners should approach their remaining papers with a clear head:

• Don’t panic

“If you didn’t do as well as planned in subjects you’ve already written, you have to let it go,” she said.

“There is nothing you can do about those papers now. However, by doubling your efforts for the remaining papers, you can potentially make up points that will improve your overall marks. There may also be the option of rewriting a paper, so focus on what you can still change, rather than dwelling on that which is behind you.”

• Don’t rest on your laurels

“If you did better than you expected in the papers already written, good for you! However, don’t be tempted to slack off now, because the going is great. Gaining better marks than expected may open up a world of new opportunities that you were not even aware of, so make this final push count.

“You also don’t want to ruin your great performance to date by doing worse than you were counting on in upcoming papers, thereby negating the earlier advantage gained.”

• Combat fatigue

Matric finals are a marathon, not a race, noted Nola.

“It is normal to start feeling fatigued as the end nears, but don’t let that derail you. Ensure that you get enough fresh air and exercise, and take short breaks to give your brain a complete rest. TV and social media can cause information overload, so limit your screen time apart from when you are using it to study. Focus on ticking off one subject at a time, and don’t allow yourself to feel overwhelmed by looking at the whole list of papers you still need to complete,” she said.

• Don’t lose sight of the big picture

For some learners, things may at this stage have started to go seriously pear-shaped. Those who feel that they are facing a looming disaster should refrain from looking for solutions that will make things worse, such as considering cheating, for instance.

“Looking for the wrong kind of solutions now may be tempting, but may have far-reaching and even unfixable consequences for your life,” said Nola.

“If things really are not going well, keep in mind that you do still have enough time to make up points in remaining subjects. Again, fighting for every mark now may mean that you have more options to rectify things after the exams, for instance by doing a rewrite or re-doing only one subject instead of the whole year.

“Yes, Matric marks are very important, but at the end of the day there are always options, even if you didn’t perform as you would have hoped, so don’t resort to solutions which are bound to throw further problems your way.”

Parents and guardians have an important role to play in coming weeks, to help learners stay motivated, said Nola.

“Help them visualise their goals for next year, help them re-arrange their study roster if necessary, and make sure that they stay positive and focused to perform at their very best right until the end,” she said.

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