#ThrowbackThursday – 12 September 1986

The Herald goes back, way back, to 12 September 1986 for this week's #ThrowbackThursday.

It’s Throwback Thursday, so the Herald went back in time to 12 September 1986 with the highlight story being on the front page with headline Matric Farewell: Costly Affair.

It seems even back then, matric farewells put a dent in one’s pocket. The Herald’s front-page story was about matric farewells having become very expensive over the past few years, and that many parents have found themselves paying for many ‘unnecessary’ items. It also reported that a dress of R600 was unaffordable, although one learner wore a dress of R1 000!

At the time the Herald contacted several parents, headmasters, matriculants and ministers, and all agreed that the situation was getting out of control. The Herald also spoke to three local boutiques and one of them said, “For R140 we can make a lovely dress and according to their taste”.

Another highlight was the movies on offer.

Another highlight was the movies on offer – remember those days when drive-ins were popular and one paid R7 per car to enter? Murphy’s Law, About last night and Red Sonja were among the movies everyone wanted to see.

Other interesting headlines at the time:

• Groot skade is aangerig by ‘n kitsgraskwekery toe ‘n brand daar ontstaan het. Die kwekery is naby die plaaslike rioolwerke en die rookkolom kon etlike kilometers ver gesien word.

‘n Foto van die skade aangerig by ‘n kitsgraskweekery.

• Die polisie in Randfontein was op soek na ‘n hele klomp mense (nege in totaal) vir onder andere bedrog, huisbraak en diefstal.

Die polisie in Randfontein was op soek na ‘n hele klomp mense vir verskeie misdade.

• Checkers se advertensie het aangedui dat 1kg gemengde groente teen R2,55; 1kg viskoekies teen R2,99; en 1kg blomkool teen R2,65 beskikbaar was. Praat van lae pryse!

Checkers se advertensie vir lae pryse.

• Selfs in 1968 was daar duidelik probleme met die jeug. ‘n Inwoner het in ‘n brief aangedui dat jongmense moet terugkeer na hul staat van waardigheid en liewer ‘n koppie tee moet maak sonder om die tong te laat klap as wat hulle sit en die grootmense se tande tel.

Die brief oor jeugprobleme.

• Daar was ook ‘n artikel oor wie en wat die VLU is.

‘n Artikel oor wie en wat die VLU is.

Do you perhaps have more information pertaining to this story? Email us at randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za  (please remember to include your contact details in the email) or phone us on 011 693 3671.

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