Adjust your sleep with an adjustable bed from the Mattress Warehouse

An adjustable bed might be just what you need to alleviate your discomfort and help you sleep better.

Kiss a restless night goodbye when you invest in an adjustable bed from the Mattress Warehouse.

With the sleep industry revolutionising over the years, people now have options beyond a normal bed. An adjustable bed might be just what you need to alleviate your discomfort and help you sleep better.

Incorrect sleeping posture, even if it happens to be your favourite sleeping position, can lead to a lot of discomfort. Having a bed which can be adjusted to a certain angle can completely change the way that you sleep.

Supporting your back should be the biggest consideration when selecting a mattress as your spine is of utmost importance and sleeping in the wrong position can do long lasting damage. Y

The only thing that really matters is finding a mattress that gives you comfortable, supportive sleep, regardless of the angle.

So why should you choose an adjustable bed? Not only do they give you the opportunity to customise and deal with the way that you sleep, it lets you adjust your bed as you see fit. Adjusting your sleeping position supports your pressure points properly.

Other benefits include:

  1. Improving circulation and thus reducing pain.
  2. More back support as the bed can be adjusted to support your body’s weaker points.
  3. Neck and shoulder pain can be alleviated when the bed is adjusted to support these areas.
  4. Circulation to legs and feet can be improved when the bed is lifted.
  5. If you suffer from heartburn, adjusting your sleeping angle can help.
  6. Adjusting sleeping positions and changing the surface can help ease arthritis.
  7. You can even reduce your snoring with an adjustable bed.

At The Mattress Warehouse, you can buy these comfortable adjustable beds!

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