#MunicipalMonday: What’s that bad smell in Aureus?

The Herald visited Aureus on Monday to get to the source of the bad smell. Here is what we discovered ...

For over a year, those who work in Aureus have had to endure the bad smell given off by a blocked drain.

Many of these employees have complained to their employers; however, the municipality has failed to come aboard and deal with the issue.

“Every company has a blocked drain. We have all complained to the municipality, but nothing has been done”, said Daleen Loggerenberg, who is a secretary for one of the affected companies in the area.

Daleen went on to say that municipal officials had visited the area twice and confirmed that the stink is the result of the main drain, which belongs to the municipality, being blocked. She said since the last visit, no one has returned to resolve the issue, despite the promises they have made.

Also Read: What is that smell?

The stench in the working place is making life very difficult for many employees. “You should see where the people have to sit and eat. They have even written me a letter expressing their unhappiness about this situation. All the municipality says is ‘they will send someone’. The last time I spoke to the person in charge, he said, ‘Do not worry, this week everything will be fixed’. That was before we closed the company for the December break. Despite all that he said, nothing has happened”.

She said the last time they contacted the municipality, they were told that there were no trucks as they had all been sent in for repairs. “It has now been a month, and still no one has come forward to offer any assistance,” Daleen added.

She said the drain blockage seemed to have been aggravated by the recent heavy rain that washed sand into the drain.

“We would be so happy if the problem could be fixed – really soon”, Daleen concluded.

Do you perhaps have more information pertaining to this story? Email us at randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za  (please remember to include your contact details in the email) or phone us on 011 693 3671.

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