Being single – the good news

Your happiness cannot depend on other people.

So, all of a sudden you are single. Is it the end of the world? No. Here are some reasons why it is actually healthy to be single …

Finding yourself again, and being able to be alone teaches you to be independent, and that you do not need to be in a relationship to be happy. Your happiness cannot depend on other people.

Being on your own gives you time to sit back and reassess your life, who you really are and what you really want to do. It gives you time to discover what flaws you have, and what good characteristics you have. You can then focus on bettering yourself.

You can live your life, not stressing about catering for another person, and doing what you like doing, which you most probably did not have time for when you were in a relationship.

You will have time to work on a new hobby, meet new friends and start a new chapter in your life. If you do not feel like cooking, you do not have to spend time slaving in front of the stove, you can eat when you feel like it.

If the relationship was negative, positivity will flow through the door once you mingle with positive people, read inspirational books, and if you are religious, get closer to God.

What is important is no matter how long it takes, you will learn to truly get over past relationships. You should not rebound into another relationship for the sake of not being alone.

There are no arguments, and you can make life decisions by yourself.

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