“No power cuts,” assures Eskom

Power cuts and electricity disruptions this winter? "We'll do everything we can to avoid them", said Eskom.

Power house Eskom would like to assure the public that it is doing everything humanly possible to keep the lights on during the course of this winter.

Ensuring minimal disruption in the provision of electricity was also promised at Eskom’s Winter Safety media briefing held at the West Rand District on Tuesday, 27 June.

Also read: Winter load-shedding: How to keep your home safe

Steve Sello, Randfontein Sector Manager and delegate for Eskom said, “Eskom is aware of, and particularly concerned about, the recent supply interruptions experienced by a number of residents. To the affected parties, we wish you to rest assured that we are working around the clock to restore your supply swiftly. However, due to the cold conditions and the increase in outages as more people try to heat their living spaces, we are not always able to restore supply as quickly as we would prefer.

“We furthermore wish to explain that unplanned outages in your street or neighbourhood are unpredictable and could be caused by overloading, illegal connections, or technical faults.

“The company has a plan, namely, the Eskom Distribution Customer-centric Winter Plan, which is designed to ensure that the public, Eskom staff, and environmental safety are our priority. The Winter Plan has already been activated, so that our networks are able to cope with extreme weather conditions and increased electricity demand, as well as respond to, and restore, network faults timeously.

Nico Khatz (West Rand Fire Department Manager). Photo submitted.

“Part of the plan is to prevent and implement measures that will assist in avoiding possible equipment failures and incidents, the management of network delivery failures for the national and provincial networks in winter, the implementation of emergency preparedness plans to manage power system interruptions that might materialise, and the increased capacity of our customer contact centre.”

Regarding public safety and the safety risks associated with the irresponsible and incorrect use of electricity, Eskom said, “We, together with various stakeholders, will continue to intensify efforts to alert and sensitise the public to the safety risks.

Also read: Eskom gaan ons nie onder kry nie

“It is during the winter period that we experience an increase in safety-related incidents and fatalities as a result of illegal connections, meter bypasses, and other forms of tampering with electricity infrastructure. We are saddened that innocent children are often the ones who fall prey to such unscrupulous acts. We call on all parents and the community at large to save our future leaders.”

In cases of lack of electricity, such as in informal settlements, Eskom, together with various local municipalities, is working on an electrification programme in line with the set policy of the Department of Energy.

Sello added, “Connecting illegally through unauthorised and substandard means such as home-use extension cables or wires running across the street, through streams, over corrugated iron roofs, and over washing lines is a death trap. We are obliged by law to remove these illegal connections, not only because they weaken the network, but also mainly for your safety and that of your loved ones.

Members of the West Rand District Communicator’s Forum in attendance at Tuesday’s session. Photo submitted.

“I therefore urge all residents to work with Eskom in making this winter a memorable one, free of injuries and protest action, which often end in the destruction of the very properties meant to service us. We would like to reiterate our message of ‘switching off when not in use’. Let us all take responsibility for how we consume electricity and, most importantly, hold one another accountable. Report illegal connections on 08600 37566 or via SMS to Crime Line or to your local police station or Eskom office.”

Split metering

The statement goes on to state: “In order for Eskom to function effectively and sustain the service it renders to citizens, it is necessary to recover the costs incurred in the process. We ensure this through the collection of revenue. The Gauteng Operating Unit will deploy credit management strategies, which include disconnection of illegal connections and unserviced bills as a last resort to recover revenue owed to Eskom.

“In the same spirit, we are intensifying the installation of split meters across the province. This will be done in phases in various areas. Apart from many other challenges facing our customers, Eskom appreciates the tighter purse in this tough economic climate. The prepaid option of split meters will put customers in control of managing their consumption and reducing their electricity expenditure.

“We remain committed to the provision of quality electricity to sustain dignified lives in the province and will work with anyone in our community and other interested parties to achieve this.”

Do you perhaps have more information pertaining to this story? Email us at randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za  (please remember to include your contact details in the email) or phone us on 011 693 3671.

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