Police search two R’fontein schools

Local police recently searched two schools to address the possession of dangerous weapons and drugs.

The police accompanied by Crime Prevention officers on the West Rand recently conducted two school searches in the Bekkersdal policing precinct.

According to Captain Appel Ernst, Randfontein Police spokesperson, “School searches are conducted in order to address the possession of dangerous weapons and drugs. Bullying was also addressed during the interaction between scholars and police members.”

Also Read: Police find drugs and weapons at Westonaria High

Ernst confirmed that Izanokhanyo Primary School and Zuurbekom Intermediate School were searched. “It was a success, although nothing was confiscated,” she said.

Colonel Abraham Nkhwashu, the Bekkersdal Police station commander, also expressed his satisfaction with the searches.

“Prevention operations such as these ensure a safe learning environment for our children,” he said.

The police calls on community members to assist them with information. Anyone with information can contact the Crime Stop number – 08600 10111 or SMS Crime Line – 32211 to report crime anonymously.

Assist the Gauteng Police to fight fraud, corruption, unethical behaviour or any other suspicious activities that could be detrimental to the police’s success by phoning the Gauteng Standby Provincial Duty numbers: Duty General – 082 313 8299 or Duty Brigadier – 082 444 4354.

Do you perhaps have more information pertaining to this story? Email us at randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za  (please remember to include your contact details in the email) or phone us on 011 693 3671.

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