Don’t fall for road rage this Festive Season

Police: Traffic cannot be controlled, only your reaction to it can be.

The Festive Season will make for more South Africans on the road, especially those driving to holiday destinations – but the danger of road rage is a terrible reality.

The South African Police Service has issued a number of tips on how to deal with road rage over the Festive Season in order to stay safe and enjoy the holidays.

Road rage is described by the police as a violent criminal act involving the intention to cause physical harm.

Lock your car doors:

They suggest to keep doors locked at all times especially at stops and to leave enough room to pull out from behind the car in front of yours.

Don’t take it personally:

Police say to be polite and courteous even if the aggressor is not, in order to avoid conflict. Police say also to never underestimate the other driver’s capacity for causing harm.

Calm down:

Police say motorists should understand that traffic cannot be controlled. The only thing that can be controlled is your reaction to it.

They instruct motorists to call 10 111 or drive to the nearest police station should an aggressive driver confront them.

Other road rage tips from the police:

– Control your own anger

– Avoid eye-contact with an aggressive driver

– Do not make obscene gestures

– Do not tailgate

– Use your hooter sparingly

– Never block a passing vehicle


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Tips to counter road rage

Man’s shock after road rage attack

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