
Consequences coming for negligent government officals

'Act without fear, favour or prejudice'

Gauteng Health Premier, David Makhura, has spoken out about the wave of psychiatric patient deaths, but the DA maintains he is being too soft.

The patients died while in the care of various institutions including a number of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Makhura recently broke his silence on the 37 deceased psychiatric patients from Life Esidimeni in Randfontein, during his political report for the year in the Gauteng Legislature. Makhura said during the sitting that the de-institutionalisation of mental health patients could have been handled better.

The 37 deaths are still under investigation and Makhura said he is still awaiting the findings of the investigation by the Health Ombudsman.

He added that if it is found that government officials had acted improperly or negligently, he will “act without fear, favour or prejudice.”

Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, said he welcomed Makhura’s comments but felt them rather mild as Makhura had previously been quite vocal about how the Gauteng Health MEC, Qedani Mahlangu ought to be fired as a direct result of the deaths.

“He has also been slow to meet with the affected families which he now says he will do in the next two weeks,” Bloom said.

Bloom ended off by saying Makhura’s reputation has been put on the line because of what he describes as an incapable Gauteng Health MEC, who needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

Also read: 

New care centre to be opened at former Life Esidimeni

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