
Attemped murder of police confirmed

Cops investigate attempted break-in and are met with gunfire.

The Randfontein Police have confirmed that they were shot at during a recent high-speed chase.

The incident was originally reported by EPR Security, which stated that an incident of attempted murder had taken place in Ralerata, Mohlakeng, and that the police were shot at by the suspects.

According to Captain Appel Ernst, the Randfontein Police spokesperson, the incident took place at about 12.10am on Wednesday, 19 October.

She explained that the police were on their way to attend to a complaint in Mohlakeng when they noticed suspicious activity at a business in Ralerata Street, Mohlakeng’s main street.

When the officers investigated, she said, they spotted suspects attempting to get into the business through the front door. When they realised the police were onto them, they fled, one on foot while the others jumped into a vehicle and sped off.

“The police members gave chase at the corner of Seme and Maleke Streets, and the occupants of the fleeing vehicle opened fire on a police vehicle. The suspects managed to evade the police vehicle and disappeared. No injuries were sustained by the police members,” Ernst said.

The investigation at the business later revealed that housebreaking tools were found lying at the door through which the suspects were trying to enter.

Police are looking for more information regarding the incident and would like members of the public who have information that could assist in the case to contact the investigating officer, Captain Martin Smith, on 011 278 8100.

Read more:

High speed chase and shootout: One shot

Police and JMPD under attack

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