I can’t even have a braai!

Did you ever wonder why there are so much tummy bugs going around? - Comyn

Lyle Comyn, a 46-year-old concerned Randfonteiner, who, like the rest of the residents, pays for sewage and refuse removal (and this month they’ll be paying double!) recently visited the Herald’s office, complaining about the terrible smell that hangs in the air.

“Our town stinks, and it’s getting worse daily. It’s a breeding ground for major diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, and shigellosis. Do my fellow residents ever wonder why there are so many tummy bugs going around?” he said.

Comyn also said it’s no longer pleasant to have a braai, because of the smell coming from the sewerage plant. “It’s so bad, it leaves a foul taste in one’s mouth,” he said.

He went on to say that the sewage runs into the river feeding most of the big vegetable farms in Randfontein and then flows to Tarlton, which supplies most of the big markets, contaminating the underground water with bacteria.

“There are claims of an upgrade being done at the plant, but how much was really done? What was done about sewage running into the open veld, and then into the dam and river?” he asked.

” There should be further investigations and follow-ups on this as the effect on our health is far-reaching,” he concluded.

Also read:

Streets of W’aria a mess

R’fontein’s sewage woes soon to be gone

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