
Domestic violence: Woman beaten tells her story

'Tonight is the night I kill you' – woman opens up about being beaten by boyfriend.

The Herald has received confirmation that a case of domestic violence is being investigated following an incident on Monday, 5 October.

A woman in her 20s, who cannot be named, has claimed that she was attacked by her boyfriend.

The woman, who works as a model, opened a case against her boyfriend, who, according to her, was arrested and brought to the Randfontein Police Station on Thursday.

The Herald interviewed her, and saw the damage done to her face – both eyes blue, marks around her neck – and was also shown pictures of her that were immediately after the alleged attack.

The victim decided to go public about the incident and has received great support from the community.

She told the Herald, “We have been together for about a year. During this time, he was obsessively jealous. This was also not the first time that he attacked me.” She said further that the attack took place between 3am and 5am.

She added, “He told me that tonight would be the night he killed me. He even locked me in his house when I tried to leave. He had his hands around my neck, and punched me in the face.”

Although the Randfontein Police have yet to comment on the matter, the Herald has received confirmation, via SMS, that a case is being investigated.

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