Retarred road: One step forward, two steps backward

A Randfontein road was retarred recently but the surface is cracking already.

Motorists thought they would have it easy after Ventersdorp Road in Wilbotsdal was retarred, but boy, were they wrong.

A section of the road running along Laerskool Rapportryer‘s sports grounds and the Master informal settlement was re-tarred recently but the new surface has already started lifting.

Sina Erasmus, DA Ward 4 councillor said it seems as though workers simply poured tar on top of the old tar instead of removing the damaged tar, levelling the layer underneath it and putting down new tar.

She explained that if the road is left as it is, it will crack and crumble, creating potholes which will leave the road as it was before it was retarred – riddled with craters that pose a danger to vehicles, especially trucks that regularly use the road.

Erasmus said she reported the matter to the Rand West City Local Municipality and brought it before Council in a bid to fix the problem before it gets worse and more expensive to fix.

Erasmus questions how the specific contractor was vetted and why, after making a mess of one road, be allowed to work on another.

It has not been bad news only for the councillor. Recently a road in her ward, Botha Street in Randgate, was retarred. However, for Erasmus it seems one step forward and two steps backward, but she is determined to eradicate potholes in her ward.

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